Friday, October 10, 2008

i'm just going to do this

i've considered this for a very long time but i never got the courage to do it for real. i'm not exactly what people would define as coherent, but i really like writing, and i had loads of fun with this blog. but it's beginning to bug me a little bit, that more and more of people who actually know me are reading this blog. it makes me feel self-conscious of them judging what i write, and me in general. this, and many more reasons. 

i don't intend to make this a melodramatic end. i'm hoping it to be a well-told closure, but i don't think i can ever achieve that.

for family and friends, you'll always know what i'm up to through facebook, i think. and to dear lurkers, thanks for reading and making me feel like i actually am capable of being -somewhat- interesting.

it's been more than a year, and i'd miss my Bubble Bath so much, especially since Kakwe bought me these notebooks with polkadots on it that have 'i like a bubble bath' written on them that i now use everyday.

i decided against this decision a few times for my readers, but i'm doing this now for me.

i'll leave this post here for a couple of weeks and then make the whole blog fully private afterwards. i will keep the blog for the sake of the memories it holds, but i won't be writing on it.

this is way longer than i intended it to be, and i have a class at two.

Goodbye :]



Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything!!

Can't stop you even though i want to..It is your choice..It's all inside your hand..nobody can stop you..

Enjoyed it so time if you want to write blog again tell me..really want to read it..

Thanks a lot!!

Mr Hafiz said...

good bye atiq..i wont say u should stop from writing anythin here..i respect ur dscn. But i do wish i knoe u more..nway feel free to browse my blog or

Anonymous said...

I suddenly missed you... send me an sms sometimes.. oh I'm having an open house tomorrow for my jiran jiran and reporter frens. wish u r here :(

Anonymous said...

Atiq Darling, am gonna miss you as Ienjoy reading your blog. On top of that I feel feel very much closer to you now. You are such a nice girl.Love You Nda Chik

Tengku Atique said...

musang : why do i sense kerekness in those sentences...? i hate you <33

fairul : i will :]

kakwe : wish i was there, too. sorryyy i'm so lousy at keeping in touch. i just came back from Dublin..will try to call you tomorrow!~

nda chik : thank you :D i'm not always nice, though. hehe. i'll miss writing here so much as well :( love you too nda chik shayang!

Anonymous said...

i am one of the intrusive blogger. Im sorry that i make you feel that way.I enjoy to read your story cz You have things that i dont have and the only way i can learn about these things is by reading yours.Since its your decision and there is nothing i can do, goodbye to u and ur bubble bath.
p/s:maybe u culd delete all the post and just leave the songs to play and u culd update imeem once in a while. just a your choice of music.

Anonymous said...

After 1 week of no internet due to stupid connection, this is wat i get from ur blog..
im sooo gonna miss ur posts!!
but yeah, i do respect your decision too..
cpat laa wat blog private..
im too lazy to have my own blog, so im counting on u to write yours.. haha :P

Anonymous said...


Tengku Atique said...

Anon : i'm keeping the posts for obvious reasons, but you can always access my imeem playlist (provided that you have an imeem account) at this link:
but i rarely ever update it..sorryy!

Mimi : sorrryyy! but honey i'm not making it private, i'm stopping altogether! sorryyyy!~

Awish : ......i'll miss your comments too...?~ <3

Anonymous said...

alaaaaaaaaa atiq

Anonymous said...

awwwwww :(
its ok then..
seriously, im gonna miss ur posts..

Anonymous said...

First ur messenger, than ur blog too? I'm going to lost track on you like this.. [Deleting ur blog bookmark is I've deleted ur YIM id...]

bye there...

Tengku Atique said...

Kina : sorry atiq tak approve your comment, you wrote what you're not supposed to know, huhu.

Kak Su : :(

Mimi : me too :(

Anon : well...if you're my friend..facebook me..?

n Z r A said...

*tsk* *tsk*

i'm gonna miss u, Bubblebath