Saturday, October 4, 2008

Raya in Cork

here be some pictures for ye, i haven't been inspired to write anything of late~


Anonymous said...

atiqah...we didn't take pictures together2 :(

Tengku Atique said...

akak la sombong...dah la hari tu orang nak salam die buat tak tau je.. :( :( :(

(sape bersalah kena masak rendang!!! ehehehe)

Mr Hafiz said...

Tengku Atiq
selamat hari raya

Anonymous said...

how are u???
comey bj rayo..hehe
sakni tgk pix at fs abg mimi, ado gmbr kakak atiq (i think so), then tingat ko atiq..hehe
selamat hari raya babe!
sorry, im a bit late...
muahx muahx

Tengku Atique said...

noholesburied : selamat hari raya :]

mimos : i'm grraaandd. thanksss...baju tu beli kat Pasar Baru! lol. kakak atiq gi rayo kat rumoh mimi ko, abe mimi mari rayo kt rumoh atiq?? selamat hari rayaaa dear! xx

Anonymous said...

mimi, didi tok gi dumoh kak ajah la.. meme nok ajok tapi saya penat mengupdate nombor abang anda yang sentiasa bertukar setiap suku tahun. saya givap.