Thursday, October 9, 2008

i just need to get this out of my system

i was queueing up to print my notes in the library when the printer was running out of paper. so the lady who was printing at that moment went to get a librarian to fill it back up. the librarian on duty was this old man that i..well..dislike, because he makes a huge fuss about EVERYTHING and he's very loud and he scolds students like we're children. maybe old age was all that happened to him, but still. it's annoying. anyway.

so he came up to fill the papers when it was my turn to print, so i gave way for him to fill the papers and didn't send my documents into the printer just yet. this was, until he said it was fine for me to go on and send the documents to the printer. i was like ''s okay. i can wait.' and he was all ' can send the documents in.' so i sent the documents into the printer, for i am one who does not take interest in bickering with an old man. the printer then didn't print the papers - now, you see, from experience, i know that when the 'attention' light flashes on, i have to press the green button twice. so i held out my hand to press it, and then the (GENIUS) old man scolded me;

"NO! No, don't touch anything!"

(well, just so you know..there is also a piece of notice stuck on the printer that BLATANTLY says 'IF RED LIGHT FLASHES PRESS THE GREEN BUTTON TWICE')

not wanting to hurt his (HUGE) ego, i just waited to see what in the world he wanted to do to make the printer work after he's done filling in the papers. 

after he was done with the papers, he turned to the printer and stared at it, while i stared at him. the printer, by now, is blatantly telling him to press the green button and i was itching to press it because i was running late. then this woman who was queueing (i think she's in her late 30s) came up and told him this is what he should do, and then went the hell on and pressed the green button. but she forgot to press it twice, so he said;

Annoying Old Man : you're telling the printer to change something. it shouldn't be changing anything.
Annoyed Woman : well, that usually works anyway.
Annoying Old Man : what is it that you're printing? are they diagrams? those usually take longer.
Pretending to be Patient Atiqah : nope. just Word documents.

after another minute of blocking me from the printer and staring at it, the Annoying Old Man finally decided to press the green button and then it began printing straightaway, obviously. and then he just stood there, and stared at the documents i was printing at, and PICKED IT UP ONE BY ONE TO SEE WHETHER THEY'RE DIAGRAMS OR NOT SO HE CAN PROVE HIMSELF RIGHT.

well, they are blardy word documents as i already TOLD him they were, of course. and then he pointed out to these forms i was printing that has grey blocks in it and claimed that those were what caused the jam. and then proceeded to watch the rest of my documents being printed (blatantly to see whether i had diagrams) despite me telling him he doesn't have to wait.

oh-my-GOD, there's nothing WRONG with being wrong. you're like eighty and you're dealing with technology so NOBODY's going to judge you! frustrating.

i respect that people get wiser as they age, but really. it doesn't mean that they'll be right at everything.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like ur story..