Tuesday, October 7, 2008


tell me how to change the setting of my camera so my pictures won't have this much noise in it.


Anonymous said...

Got several way to clean camera's noise!! I called it...

Lap your lens with "kain baru" not "kain buruk"
Don't make any noise or sound when u take picture
Attach your camera with green/yellow wire and put it on the ground(earth)

If still not working,use this SECRET TECHNIQUE,which is

Use your nose to take pic.With less 'I',less noise will appeared.

Anonymous said...

set the ISO accordingly...choose ISO 100 or 200 when u hav enuff lighting...if suram2 use ISO 400 (ni pun akan napok noise dh but ok la sket kot)...choose suitable WB

AD said...

noise! common problem esp for night/low light shhhooot.... ermm... try use night mode with camera tripod...

Tengku Atique said...

mushy : sengal laa. is number 3 for real though??? jangey laa tipu, nati atiq cayo!! eeeeyy.

awish : i tried ISO400 maso tu, turned out just as bad. aaaahhh. will try adjusting the white balance next time. thaaankss!

kak d : night mode nanti kaler die tak nampak semacam ek akak...?~ will try that one jgk! thanksss!

Anonymous said...

what camera are you currently using? though i hate to admit it, sony's new range has fantastic auto-lighting adjustment. much superior than the canons. huehue.

Anonymous said...

kalo guna night mode, kalau tak silap noise dia lagi tinggi, setting ISO tuh lagi tinggi akan nmpk lg byk la noise.

ISO tuh kepekaan terhadap cahaya, kalo tempat gelap, so cahaya yg skit2 jer dia nmpk lebih, tuh yg jadi noise.

Cuba guna flash tambahan kalo kamera atiq leh sapot extra flash, guna waktu cahaya tak cukup.

Tengku Atique said...

Kakak : oh really?? thats interesting. oh..it's just a secondhand i bought from a friend, the camera i had couldn't handle the weather, so i gave up a good camera that won't function consistently for a secondhand one that works all the time.

Ali : ....but using flash indoors almost always mean bad news :/

Anonymous said...

use slow-synchro flash...set ur ISO to 200 or 400...make sure the cameraman hav good hands (stabil) so the picture won;t be so shaky...try experiment wif different ISO n slow-synchro flash...sbb if direct normal flash...nati ado part hok over n mayb background gelap n muko jd bersinar banar

Tengku Atique said...

awish : EXACTLY. <333