Thursday, April 15, 2010

cradle to grave

excuse the lack of update, blog. my studies is currently my top priority.

though having said that, i surfed facebook for a bit just now. lulz.

i just miss my little sisters, so i was stalking their facebook to see what they're up to. my sister's facebook lead to my cousin's facebook, and his facebook lead to his brother's facebook...

you know that period of time when people start migrating from friendster to facebook, and your younger cousins start sending you friend requests? i have an aunt who have five sons and a daughter - four of those boys added me up on facebook. i have always wondered why Faisal, being the one closest to me as we were growing up, never sent me a friend request.

well. i found his facebook just now and clicked through his pictures...and i kinda wish i hadn't. he's still good looking, but no longer in a cute kind of way. more in a rough, lelaki Melayu kind of way. the pictures are nothing too wild or out there...i just. have trouble grasping the concept that he grew up, cursing and smoking and doing all the things teenage boys do. it felt like something died inside me when i saw the pictures :/

you know how certain songs can take you back to a certain period of your life (contoh : lagu Aisyah, lagu Nora...don't even pretend you don't still remember all the words)..? looking at him has that effect on me, there are a lot of childhood memories with him in it, there are a lot of secrets he's keeping for me, and me his. that boy means quite a lot to me.

i wish we were all still small and innocent, playing Saidina until midnight. untouched by the filth of life.


p/s: Didie, Adik. Don't tell anybody he smokes. Well they might already know...but still.


Didie said...

he's no longer the Faisal we knew :(

w 8 z said...

tiq, if awok tok oyak itu adalah faisal, sayo sure bajet tu model mano mano LOL.

dio pun tok rajin ata request ko sayo..

tapi sayo raso sayo tahu pasal nih before, sebab sapiq rajin tunjuk myspace dio...

Tengku Atique said...

we all know this is bound to happen one of these days.

haha deebs, gossip nga sapiq pulok dio. i hope rama ore balik for awah's wedding eventhough diorey balik doh for kak na's wedding the weekend before...i haven't seen a lot of people for a really long time, it would be really nice to see everyone again, huhu.

sassydewi said...

he never added me as well. and i cudnt care less. i guess he didnt add anyone?

tapi rajing la jugok ssepak gambar dio sebab he hangs out with one of my seniors (who was his neighbour)

ceh mmetey ko blog private, siak amik gambar lagi post. muahahahahaha.

i think cik num knows la he smokes. sorta remember hearing cik num complaining about it. "turut ayoh dio"

oh well. now we're thankful we don't have any brother no?

Tengku Atique said...

hahah...stendet stalker, curi gambar. kakak lagi sokmo wak kijo curi gambar buh kat blog! lols.

well, yes and no. he's not too bad lah i think. a lot of malay guys nowadays are wayyy more ke laut than he is. you should know.

(the 'no' is because abe a just replied to my fb wall post, and he made me feel *aaawwww...i wish he's my brother*)

Iron Butterfly said...

laa.. the reason why he didnt send friend request is because he doesnt want u to know what he's up to lah. but maybe he forgot to tinker with the privacy setting.

wei hello, i only posted one okay. picture of new toyboy. no one else. I haven't put up pictures of stupid little slut. i got access to her page when i was using the boys' laptop.

i am now cool in their eyes because i can drive fairlady. hahaha it's just like normal car lah bcoz fairlady is the cheapest sportscar around.

syafiq showing ha his myspace. see. the very reason why i denied requests from younger cousins. they show each other. and they might show their moms too.

i'm a firm believer of what happens in FB stays in FB.

Twitter is like a Godsend. I can now rant about stupid things in FB, without the FB ppl knowing. Haha.

Eh Tiq, I am emceeing lah. or maybe u can pair with me. tok baco ko my post hari tu?

Tengku Atique said...

I know, that was what I was trying to insinuate in the early paragraphs.

Yes yes you emcee one...I've never even been to an emceed wedding, don't think I'd do well without any rehearsals. I meant a speech as in a speech from an adik... kwang3.

p.s. that's adibah, lols.

Iron Butterfly said...

emcee keno duo ore baru best. hahaha lawoks ado speech from sister. i highly doubt dad (or any of his siblings) would have such thingla. plus, it's not like we're having it in hotel.

so u can co-emcee with me, then during introduction story la about awah. LOLOL.

Tengku Atique said...

haha, i guess i can co-emcee *is scared of being a boring emcee*

Clueless in Love said...

omigodd! faisal ko tu??? well well. besar blako doh sek2 kecik. haish.