Tuesday, April 27, 2010

my current Senior House Officer

Dr Sonu : You're going home today!
Patient : Great!
Dr Sonu : One thing you have to watch out for is your alcohol intake, you have a low tolerance for it, and your bloods will go off again if you take too much. Don't take any spirit shots, they're too strong for you.
Patient : I know doctor, I know. I took Poitin...they're really good.
Dr Sonu : They're illegal.

Dr Sonu : That shit has 95% alcohol in it.
Emma and I : WHAT?! @.@
Dr Sonu : Yeah...they're really good.
Emma and I : They're illegal.
Dr Sonu : I know.

Dr Sonu : I don't understand text language, help me Tim.
Timothy (his intern) : That means 'See you tomorrow'
Dr Sonu : And what does equals close bracket mean?
Timothy : It's a sideways smiley, Sonu.
Emma and I : ROFL XD

Monday, April 26, 2010

this. blog. post.

I love Hayley Hoover's latest blog post.

People always say they wish they're a child again, with no worry in the world.

No matter how bad things get right now, while I'm in my twenties, nothing will make me want to go back to my past. My childhood/teenage days were hell.


Friday, April 23, 2010

What's in my purse?

(inspired by Oppity Opp)

I don't really have that universal handbag that you use for everything. I have a few that I use interchangably, so I always empty them (almost) completely after each use. I do, however, have a backpack that I bought in Jakarta a couple of summers back that I use all the time and is where I put all the junk in. Kakwe has a similar one, she's actually the one who saw it first and then suggested it to me. I have always been a lazy shopper that likes the things they put on mannequins and make minimal effort to look for good buys. So I am particularly fond of shopping with Kakwe because she's always discovering pretty things and going 'Atiq, look! Buy this!' or 'Atiq, look! this is SO you!'.

Anyways. Here goes.

Items in my (fake) Kipling backpack:
  1. Purse
  2. Student ID
  3. Stethoscope
  4. White coat
  5. Patient admission form
  6. Two small notebooks
  7. Pens
  8. More pens (free drug company pens)
  9. A patient's blood pressure report (...this is not going well...all this is random hospital crap)
  10. Pharmacology notes
  11. Physical examination notes
  12. The NSI's patient list with notes that he scribbled for me at the back
  13. Plastic bag (just in case I go grocery shopping)
Well. That was a rather mundane list. Probably because I put a lot of stuff in my coat pockets before I go out and empty them out when I come home. Mann...no wonder I'm always forgetting to take things with me. I need to buy a universal handbag that can go with anything.


Bryan, a.k.a. Naturally Stoned Intern (NSI)

If you follow me on Twitter, you might notice that I sometimes mention a 'Bryan' without any explanation of who he is, apart from that he appears to be stoned ALL THE FREAKING TIME.
The first time I held a conversation with him I actually asked if he was okay, haha.

There is a long, hilarious, story about how Emma and I got to know the NSI. I tried blogging about it, but it just didn't come out right in written format, it's one of those stories that you have to verbally tell for people to really get. I wanted to make a video about the NSI because it's just SO funny and had Emma and I laughing so hard (If we were emoticons, we totally would have rolled on the floor), but I didn't have the time to struggle with Windows Movie Maker.

Anyway. Despite not being able to stop semi-smiling every time I talk to the NSI (because his ways really amuse me), I somehow managed to make friends with him and discovered that he actually did not go to work stoned. The whole talking-to-people-like-you're-in-outer-space thing is actually all him. It's just...how he is. Ahahah...oh God. I wish I could show him to you, blog. If I'm an author, I would definitely make him a character in my book.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

a midsummer night's dream

'I am that merry wanderer of the night.' - Puck
in A Midsummer Night's Dream, a play by William Shakespearre

It's a chilly night in the middle of Spring. Well I'm not complaining, as long as it doesn't rain, it's all good. Rain. I used to absolutely love rainy days, but Ireland ruined it for me. They don't have the beautiful sound of the rain splattering against the window, with angry storms, and the flash of lightning bolt. It's just a lame misty rain. You can't hear it. You can't even see it. All it does is drench you wet all the way down to your socks.

But I digress.

I walked over to the fan heater I bought to save my sorry arse from freezing in winter. Switched it on and felt the immediate sensation of artificial heat. Warm and dry. My face stings from the mask that I have reluctantly put on. My skin is red and sore. Sunburned, no thanks to my preference of walking all the way home from the hospital, instead of taking the bus. I need to buy a good sunblock. Freaking high maintenance sensitive skin. Annoying.

Esok nak puasa. Pulling up the loose old blue pyjamas Mama bought for me about 8 years ago (most of the pyjamas I have, she bought for me), I walked slowly downstairs for some food. Careful not to disturb my housemate's sleep. The daytime is now significantly longer than the nighttime. Isya' is at 10.40pm, and Fajr (Subuh) is at quarter past 4. Everyone is adjusting their biological clock to the somewhat insane prayer times. Dugaan untuk iman kami.

Picking up a bottle of milk that was clearly labelled '-Za-' for Nurkhazalina, I poured myself half a glass of milk. Esok pergi Dunnes beli susu baru. Nanti boleh cakap kat Aza aku curi susu dia, and bagi dia minum susu aku. My sahur was two farley's rusks dipped in milk. I'm currently on my third box of rusks. Ingat comel sangat ke makan makanan bayi?

Masa winter dulu, Subuh pukul enam, Maghrib pukul 4.30pm, bukan nak habiskan puasa ganti and puasa nazar siap-siap. Dah spring ni baru terkial-kial.

My head felt like it was vacant. Maybe it's because it was past midnight. I pulled up my pyjama pants as I stood up (it is always threatening to fall off because it's so old and stretched), and walked to the fridge again. Semi awake. Poured myself another half glass of milk. Glass half full.

I sighed when I opened my bedroom door and saw the state of my room. The patchwork blanket my aunt gave me last summer was spread on the carpet, with a fuchsia/orange pillow and striped fleece thrown haphazardly over it. Three Pharmacology textbooks laid open on the floor.

Summer exams. How I loathe thee.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

on Awah's wedding

I've been writing a hypothethical speech for Awah's wedding reception in my head during my one hour walks back home from the South Infirmary.

I wonder if it's possible for it to materialize?

I'm in my white coat at the hospital's library. I don't give a damn about hospital teaching anymore, the finals are approaching.

I bought a new charger for my laptop off eBay (harga nearly a third lagi murah dari kedai!) so hopefully I can Wikipedia while studying Pathology again. Flicking through books freaking sucks k.

That is all.


edit : ya Allah kuat complain nye makhluk Atiqah nih.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

cradle to grave

excuse the lack of update, blog. my studies is currently my top priority.

though having said that, i surfed facebook for a bit just now. lulz.

i just miss my little sisters, so i was stalking their facebook to see what they're up to. my sister's facebook lead to my cousin's facebook, and his facebook lead to his brother's facebook...

you know that period of time when people start migrating from friendster to facebook, and your younger cousins start sending you friend requests? i have an aunt who have five sons and a daughter - four of those boys added me up on facebook. i have always wondered why Faisal, being the one closest to me as we were growing up, never sent me a friend request.

well. i found his facebook just now and clicked through his pictures...and i kinda wish i hadn't. he's still good looking, but no longer in a cute kind of way. more in a rough, lelaki Melayu kind of way. the pictures are nothing too wild or out there...i just. have trouble grasping the concept that he grew up, cursing and smoking and doing all the things teenage boys do. it felt like something died inside me when i saw the pictures :/

you know how certain songs can take you back to a certain period of your life (contoh : lagu Aisyah, lagu Nora...don't even pretend you don't still remember all the words)..? looking at him has that effect on me, there are a lot of childhood memories with him in it, there are a lot of secrets he's keeping for me, and me his. that boy means quite a lot to me.

i wish we were all still small and innocent, playing Saidina until midnight. untouched by the filth of life.


p/s: Didie, Adik. Don't tell anybody he smokes. Well they might already know...but still.