Thursday, September 24, 2009

saya nak pasang meja tapi saya cuak nak bukak kotak tu. what if saya bukak dan semakkan my room with all the screws and nuts and papans and whatnots and then i don't know how to do it? dah lama gila it's been sitting there waiting for me to put it together. but i think i need to do it now because it'll help me get into the study mood.

oh, it's a study table. i know i know, i already have one. but this one doesn't require me sitting on a chair, coz, you know. i'm a pure Asian and shiz. i don't do no chairz bebeh. *padahal sebab suka sangat bersila - cubaan untuk ayu adalah gagal sama sekali.

i'll take pictures or something. see you when i seee yyyooooouuu.

p.s. after i typed the above, i went downstairs and made meself some maggi tomyam instead of ensembling the table. i just spent three minutes staring at the screen thinking of the word 'ensemble'.

eating > work.

p.p.s. camera's battery ran out. charger is japanese. international adapter no have. so no pics.


n Z r A said...

atiq meja ni bleh pakai study atas katil ke? kat ne beli? picture please? amikla kamera fon ke ape...nakkk tengokkk beli katneeeeeeeee

admin2 said...

naziwa, atique beli meja nih dr kak di.. kak di pon xsempat gune lg kan atique??? pastu dahla jual kat atiq murah guler....*jelez

p/s: meja tuh cun giler..besar n macam japanese table gitu

Tengku Atique said...

naziwa : kenot la yang it's like a huge coffee table. and i boleh amek gamba pakai phone tp takleh nk transfer masuk laptop atas sebab2 yang i tanak cerita sebab stress dgn diri sendiri hehe. tapi i ada meja study atas katil gak, meja ikea. i bought off ebay. best gak :]

adilah : ya ya terima kasih cik personal assistant, tolong jawab soalan untuk saya hehe. ye lah meja japanese charger camera japanese kenapetah atiqah.