Thursday, September 17, 2009

i find it rather stupid that it took me so long to realize why i've been taking everything everyone did too far and why every wrong vocab uttered cuts deep in my chest.

i'm rarely homesick, if ever at all. but when it comes, it slams me hard to the ground.

Raya is coming, and facebook and twitter and blogposts are flooded with Raya-related things, and i'm not going to be in the family pictures for yet another year. this is the fourth Raya away, and it's starting to take a toll on me.


love.prevails said...

aww.. jgn gitu tiq..even atiq jauh pon ore igt ko atiq..
mimi masuk blog atiq semato2 nk wish ni..
selamat hari raya atiq, maaf zahir n batin..
sory kalu mimi ada salah silap gapo2 k..
njoy ur raya as best as u can..
ur fam pictures surely wont be d same without u..
miss u babe, take care!

Tengku Atique said...

thank you mi!!!! that's so sweeett :D maaf zahir batin jugok dear. me likes you mucho <333 sorry this reply is wayyy overdue, huhu