Sunday, September 6, 2009

i can't locate my Man U key chain.

i am totally not a football fan, i'm not even one of those fake Man U fangirls pretending they care about the game (i am NOT saying there aren't any genuine fangirls) but i bought this key chain from the gift shop at freaking Old Trafford and i'm not gonna go there again any time soon, so it matters.

i have to find it. losing things is annoying.

p.s. kadang-kadang dalam facebook, kawan-kawan lama hantar friend request, kawan-kawan yang never really cared about you yang kemungkinan besar hanya nak membanyakkan friend count atau cari gosip panas (yang semestinya takkan jumpa di page i yang uber bosan itu). kalau i reject, kira i sombong ke?



Iron Butterfly said...

i accept them. but they are categorized in "final unwanted". so that in case i marry TMK, these people cannot jeopardize my rep by posting my MIFA pictures on the net with stupid caption like "Tengku Ampuan Mahkota sedang bersosial dan berpakaian tidak senonoh".

these people can view less than half of my fb album.

love.prevails said...

i add n accept old frens as a gesture for 'yes, i still remember u', 'we're still frens, rite?'..

maybe they were not just adding up the count or cr gosip panas, maybe they're missing u, perhaps?

but then its up to u decide..

eh bakpo kecek oreputih ni..maybe sbb atiq duk cork ni, aih..

ok mimi sajo jah jaley2 ni..
nk baco entry atiq hok laen pulok, n komen..
bye atiq :P

kak azah, TMK = tengku mahkota klate? cpatla ngorat, siye ko dio.. tp dio bunch bunch, kak azah nk ko? :P

atiq, TM tok baco blog atiq ke? mati laa mimi kalu dio baco :P

Iron Butterfly said...

heheh jolo la tu Mimi.. kehkeh.. takpo nati bleh wak reunion ZS besar-besaran kat istano dekak rumoh Mimi. LOL.

tapi dio ado gf doh ah bbenanyo.

Tengku Atique said...

Kak : hoh, sejak bilo pulok nok nikoh nga TMK nih.

Mimi : i add some of them with that same thought in mind! :D :D great minds think alike yes? but some just never spoke to me, so impossible nk rindu atiq, huhu. TM memey tok baco la blog nih hahaha lawok la mimos