Wednesday, September 9, 2009

cute date; nice weather; bad day.

the day started off bad enough; we missed our sahur....again. i'm 53-freaking-kilos and need to shed some weight, but i love my food. i do not approve of starving myself like this.

i skipped the 8am tutorial because i had a gut feeling it won't be on; and it wasn't! that was pretty much the only good thing about today.

when we got to the wards, Dr Maria was off so we went to Dr Margaret and she gave us this patient who had a TIA (minor stroke). He was an engineer in his forties, and man isn't he a cranky one. he was nice enough to talk to us i suppose, but he kept rolling his eyes at us and saying 'no' a little bit too fast when we asked 'have you ever had...' questions.

maybe he's got one too many medical students doing history taking on him, coz he said 'i'm just so sick of these questions'. sigh demotivated gila dapat patient macam ni. ni belum kena maki lagi. baru patient yang spesis malas layan. lemah semangat betul Atiqah.

dahla he got SO defensive when i asked the standard, required, 'do you smoke?' question. 'i'm just so sick of these doctors telling me smoking caused it, because it doesn't! it may have helped lead to it, but it doesn't cause it, you know?'

ha ye lah habis tu engkau isap carcinogen banyak gile masuk dalam paru-paru sampai paru-paru kena tukar cell lining sebab tak tahan dengan the constant irritation, lepas tu nak deny deny it can cause anything. MY GRANDMA PASSED AWAY FROM LUNG CANCER FROM BEING A PASSIVE SMOKER OKAY PAKCIK ENGINEER CRANKY. i hate smokers. so freaking selfish.


lepas tu Bazli pegi tanya 'did you notice anything before the weakness came, did you see anything? like an aura?' . Rasa macam nak pijak kaki Bazli masa tu, sebab selalunya orang nak kena seizure je yang rasa aura, bukan orang nak kena stroke. tau tak encik cranky cakap ape, encik cranky cakap;

'you know, there are such things as stupid questions.'

wah. terkesima seketika masa tu. nasib baik Bazli tak dengar, kalau tak mesti budak kecik tu demotivated.

then kitorang pergi belek2 file pakcik tu, tau tak Bazli tanya apa kat Atiq and Sara Ann?

'don't you think we should do physical exam on that guy?'

sabar itu separuh daripada iman.

i then walked to my house only to find it empty; and since Kak Husna pegi bawak balik Malaysia her house key instead of leaving it here for me, and since the duplicate key i made was useless, i had to walk all the way back to Brookfield. weh banyak komplen nye entry nih. sorry sorry.

when i got to Brookfield, i sat at one of the computers and i'd barely been there for 5 minutes when i felt a sharp stinging pain on my neck, right about the place of my carotid artery. my hand automatically shot up to my neck, and i caught an insect in my tudung. i accidentally let out a quite loud 'OUCH!' because it was so, so painful. i ran to Adilah who retrieved the insect from my tudung, and i freaked out a little bit more when i saw how yellow it is, and when it dawned on me that i just got stung by a bee. on my neck.

i mumbled 'Adilah, adik atiq..' and she cut me off and said 'I know,'

so we panicked together, found our classmate Keith who was a paramedic before he got into med school, and he went up to find a doctor while we waited in the emergency room. Thank God we were in a building full of doctors.

he came down a few minutes later with Dr. Siun O'Flynn, who pacified me by confirming that i wasn't having any allergic reaction to the sting....phew. i just...i got really scared that i was going to be allergic to it like Anis was. sigh. that wasn't fun, being reminded of what happened to your sister like that.

my neck still feels sore and it throbs once in a while but i'm doing okay. it's not swollen, it's not just hurts a little bit, but i can handle it.

so that was my day. sorry if it's dull, but i just gotta blog on 9/9/9! it's the last one of the series, cause 10/10/10, 11/11/11 and such just don't seem as nice as the single digits.



w 8 z said...

pernah mengalami pengalaman sama. tapi as the opposite party lah.
I was warded sebab patah tangan.

Pagi-pagi, nanti ado student medic round ward. And semua akan suruh saya try gerakkan jari so they can see my progress.Before my operation. Sakit tau nak gerak jari tu. dah lah mintak ibu jari sentuh pinky finger walhal time tu nak gerakkan jari pun amatlah perit. huhu.

Sorang student datang soh buat, another one came, mintak buat lagi, doctor datang, kena buat. hehe

But then, saya adalah patient and 'junior' yang baik. M not cranky. Hahah. Memberi kerjasama sepenuhnya. :)

love.prevails said...

awwww..siye ko atiq..
maybe its a way to let u know that u'r allergic to bees..
takdok laa atiq rusing sgt seksok..

i got stung once, blkg lutut, during english essay exam in mrsmpt..
dio masuk dlm kain..
gatal key? mesti jatey tu..

take care tiq..

love.prevails said...

*not allergic

gapo la mimi tulis ni, kmama plok doh

Iron Butterfly said...

damn Tiq. u made me feel bad for not blogging yesterday. But i texted my colleague at 9.09 am yesterday and she's keeping the sms!

i was too tired i slept on the sofa in my work clothes. *sigh

was it a bee or hornet? i think the one that stung Anis was a hornet.

Tengku Atique said...

Dibah : hahah...yo kowww siyeynyoww. tu lah, atiq saspek doh dio macey tenseion semo ore duk gi tanyo dio macey2, but he din have to call Bali stupid, siyey ko uncle kito soram tu hehe :P

Mimi :iyooo? haha memey gatal! tu lah, thank God i'm not, huhu.

Kakak : was a bee, yeah i know it's a hornet that stung her, but i thought since they're about the same thing i might be allergic to bees. but the doctor said hornet stings are worse