Thursday, June 18, 2009

an update of sorts

hey guys.

did you miss me? i'm sorry i made you wait. it's been crazy. i can't believe i've only been home for a week.

i went to KBMall earlier tonight. teman KuZett buat specs. power sikit je, mula2 machine to cakap 125 sebelah 200 sebelah. alih2 power die 50 je dua2 belah whosthefather. tapi buat je la spek. dah jadi macam nenek dah muka Tengku Nur Zahirah. i found out that they now have contacts for my uber-high astigmatism, yeay! do you think i'd look better without specs? one of the reasons yang buat Atiq nak sgt pakai contacts is dekat Ireland selalu hujan and Atiq selalu jalan kaki, benci everytime pun kena jalan dalam kerabunan sebab kalau tak bukak spek nanti lagi la tak nampak, penuh dengan titisan air. another reason is simply plain vanity.

muka sekarang macam kena bom. breakout yang disebabkan oleh Atiq tukar cleanser haritu tak habis lagi. sigh.

hidup ialah hectic kerana banyak tanggungjawab Cambodia/Usrah/Kena buat fresher's pack junior yang tak buat apebenda langsung lagi tu, and in the meantime Tokku sehari tiga kali telefon 'tanya khabar' and make me feel guilty tak pegi jenguk die dalam sehari. Tokku, Tokku...

oohhh. I passed second year, alhamdulillah. yeay for me? i'm gonna go tempah my white coat next week.

Atiq : Tokku, Atiq dapat doh result, Atiq pass semo alhamdulillah
Tokku : Allahhh....Allahhhh la Atiq....Alhamdulillah....Tokku siyey maley duk rusing takuk Atiq tokleh jawak prekso...Nati Atiq paka coat putih tu kat spital nati, Atiq ambik gamba so, hata ko Tokku, neh?

that's probably the most menterharukan conversation i've ever had.

Didie kat depan ni bising duk main Gaia. Adik dah tidur, baru ajar Maths lima soalan dah ngantuk, apekaaahhh. Sindrom Anak Bongsu. hmph.

Banyak sebenarnya benda dah lama sgt jadi so tak best nak cite.

Bile balik Kelate baru tahu status kegeringan Sultan/Tengku Temenggung/Manohara, sebab duduk sebelah Tokku masa Tokku call abang ipar Sultan tanya khabar. haha. Tanya masa kat Ireland mana Atiq tau.

Opie's boyfriend is an anak Tan Sri. Sekarang kitorang panggil Opie Puan Sri. hahaha. Tinggi-Hensem-Kaya-Pandai-Baik. Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't club. (Amin, tak payah nak cakap you fit into that category as well please, mahu kena lempang?) Good enough for an anak Tan Sri. Bile dah couple lama sikit boleh mula menyiasat sembahyang berapa kali sehari, haha.

I met Kelly who came over to Kelate and stayed at Husna's place. We packed all the catching up into a few hours, which naturally resulted in fits of laughter and sakit perutness. I've missed that lady so much.

Oh, I went for breakfast at Kubang Pasu with my uncle and my sister, ketayapn(the kuih warna hijau, bukan yang letak atas kepala tu..heyy) kat situ sedap gile weh! omg. must try if you ever go there, ok. Atiq beli satu je, lepas tu pegi makan nasik kerabu kat tepi tu, then bile found out sedap gile and nak beli lagi satu, dah habes! padahal sebelum tu ade penuh lagi dalam satu bekas besar, whatthefish. Orang2 Kelate yang memang dah tahu ketayap kat situ sedap, sila diam dan pura-pura baru tahu juga, sekian terima kasih.

Ohhh...Tokku is doing miraculously well, alhamdulillah.

I'm still always on the verge of crying, besides being happy with the two bolokness in the form of bespectacled kids. My parents are in a dysfunctional marriage, and I guess that's just something I'll always have to live with. Ayahnda did bring home a new sofa set and insist that Mama bawak keluar a new set of plates to sambut kepulangan Atiq dari Ireland...I guess I'm in no place to complain no matter how much he yells at me for things that aren't my fault.

That is one thing that can make me break in a milisecond. Being yelled at for something I didn't do.

In other news. Didie is taller than me. She's been drinking milk and eating Hi-Cal Jacobs biscuits to reach this goal. Siap tak bagi Atiq minum susu die, 'Atiq jangey minum susu chocolate Didie! Ado limo hidangey jah!'. Tadi Atiq minum segelas penuh sebagai tanda protes.

Beha's coming back this weekend!

Okay this is way too long.

I love you.

I'll be abandoning this blog a lot, because I'm going to Bangkok soon.

Take care lovelies.



Iron Butterfly said...

(not in chronology)

#1 - i hate ur blog layout sebab kat office dio tok load so bilo nok baco keno highlight kalu dok all i see is white.

#2 - nanti dah couple lama bulih siasat smaye brapo kali? hahaha. did u know my 1st conversation with him was "Dah Asar dah?". and i was wearing a seluar 3 suku when i said that.

#3 - yes. terharunest indeed. your conversation with Tok Ku. *jeles sebab Atiq bonding nga Tok Ku*

#4 - CONGRATS for passing 2nd year. sorry can't fake much excitement. i already knew u'll pass. (unlike me and my CIMA. *sigh)

#5 - yes. Paduka Anakanda mestilah disambut dengan meriah oleh Paduka Ayahanda

#6 - yes. semo ore tau kuih kube pasu itu sedap. tapi malangnya emak kiter orang kampung wakaf bharu jadi lebih prefer pergi market wakaf bharu. *feeling not kelantanese enough*

#7 - wei gapo latest palace gossip you heard wei!! spill!!

#8 - 'limo hidangey'? FKPGL! (ok adik2. introducing a new abbrv. for FAKAP GILE). lucky i know she has commendable English.

Eh byk pulak komenku. Sebab entry paling informatif.


amin said...

the traits fits me..just the anak tan sri part tu tak lah hahahahahahah

Tengku Atique said...

#1 - haha sorry about that

#2 - yeah i know, tp that doesn't count as berapo kali sari!

#3 - yeah...he actually insisted i made THREE white coats instead of two and paid for the third coat because i said 'tengok hargo dulu brapo hehe' when he first suggested it, hadeyy.

#7 - mostly things you already know lahh.

#4 - thanks, aww. a couple of subjects were borderline, mesti sek dio siyey pahtu wi pass ngee. you'll pass your CiMA! go go kakak!

such a dedicated commenter, hehe. <33

amin - haha shadap u. no longer dalam market pastu sibuk nak promote diri sendirik lagi haih sabar je.

Iron Butterfly said...

entah amin. shadaplah. (menyampuk)