Friday, June 5, 2009

Cardiff, Wales

the first time i was here was two years ago,with Dayah Hamdi. last year Nana came to Cork, so this year here I am again. i like that we see each other every year despite living in different countries. even though i've changed a lot, and right now i see things in such a different way than she does...things are still pretty much the same between us. we don't judge each other..she's exactly the kind of friend that i need at this moment.

a wedding photographer took this picture

we went exploring at St. Fagan's today. that place is HUGE okay. but i learned a lot on Welsh culture, saw a huge pig complete with curly tail and everything, mistook a store for a castle,and mistook a museum for a war memorial - we're not exactly bright, the combination of us. haha.

these are genuine things. some of the cans still have things in it - no shizz

the doors of the traditional Welsh houses are suprisingly small. it fits us nicely,with just a few centimetres worth of gap left above our heads. we find this rather odd because we've always thought people grew smaller as time passes by, not the other way round. but one of the guys there said that indeed, they were smaller back then. weird. oh, we thought of Amin when we were walking through the small door frames because we thought he would have had to bend down and he would be smug about it.

we met a lot of funny/friendly Welsh people, i could barely understand their accent but Nana is always there to translate so all is well. i was pancit already by around 4pm (we went out at 10am), partly because it's the first day of my menstrual cycle and partly because i lack stamina, as you already know. Nana is now calling me Yang Mulia. I am now calling myself Nenek and Nana is quickly following suit.

i'll put pictures up on facebook or something. don't miss me too much kay! sorry i can't write everyday for you to read when you're bored at the office, Rih.

hope you're all well :)

Days to see the smiling face of a Kakwe at KLIA : 5




amin said...

obviously korang miss aku! lol

Ain Sallahuddin said...

nak jeles boleh??..:((

Tengku Atique said...

amin : haha, ye lah al-amin safri.

ain : we thought of you! lame tak jumpe :(