Saturday, April 18, 2009

warsaw? apa itu warsaw?

saya baru pulang dari Poland. had fantastic company and fantastic times :)

learned a whole bunch of Polish words to fish out some smiles from the masam and unfriendly Polish people, and succeeded :)

when we first got there, we got a taxi and Kak Yan went in the front seat and tesilap duduk kat driver seat sebab driver seat die kat belah kiri, bahahahaha. we all cracked up, naseb baek cab driver tu gelak/confuse, if he was a typical Polish guy he prolly would've thought we were trying to steal the car or something.

i like Warszawa (pronounced Var-sha-va) and them pretty lady friends i have there so much, but it's always good to be back to a place where we know how to read the signs and labels and people speak English and SMILE. really, Europian people need to just chill. very the serious one. pastu atiq sengaja je kan pakai baju kurung masa pergi airport nak balik sini tu, pastu selamba simpan coat dalam beg sebab panas. hah ambik engkau suka tengok pelik aku pakai tudung, sekali aku pegi pakai baju kurung. TENGOK LA TENGOK INGAT AKU KISAH KE. cehh. saya tidak terjejas dengan jelingan-jelingan manja anda. hmph.

sekarang perlu belajar dengan gigih! go go go Atiqah!!


Iron Butterfly said...

puhleaze stop sounding so hanis zalikha-ish

Tengku Atique said...

i can't help iiitttt. i'm not trying to copy her, my stupid brain just picks up on things i read/hear, which is why my spoken english is in that annoying accent! wait till i get into clinical year, i'll pick up the cork accent and nobody will even understand what i'm saying!