Wednesday, April 8, 2009

tempting wrong turns

stephen texted me last night offering a ride to the GP to get his signature on our attendance sheets, so i delightfully said yes. the area is this dodgy place called Knocknaheeney or summat and the GP specifically warned me not to go there on my own, so that's really nice of stephieface.

turned up in front of his doorstep around midday and off we went to Knocknadodgy (me, Stephen, and his girlfriend. haha). when we got there the surgery was CLOSED, quoting the builder guy 'it's recession! halfday on wednesdays so!'

haih...nasib badan. annoying betul. nasib baik stephieface said he'd text me sometime next week when he's driving up to the surgery again. sigh.

the sky is the bluest blue though today, and i could've done without my layers, which is nice.

and oh...nobody in the class failed the OSCE, 2 ppl got 1st class, and a bunch got 2nd class. i got myself into that bunch alhamdulillah :) yeay.

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