Thursday, April 9, 2009

the dreaded EMQ results came out :O

i passed. i barely passed. aaaaa takot. okok kena belajar Pathology dengan lebih gigih dan tekun. tadi hantar essay. the essay is filled with sappy poetry because that is how my mood is right now, don't judge me :'/

telah menghantar esei pada pukul 4:57pm, 3 minit lagi mahu dateline. ini adalah kerana saya seorang procrastinator yang professional. haih. tabiat yang tidak patut dipunyai oleh seorang da'ie. *geleng-geleng kepala.

atiq lega sangat that all my continuous assesments have passed, and i only failed one paper. tu pun pass one part, fail one part, therefore fail the whole paper. hopefully the fact that i got 2nd class honors for my osce would cover that one up.

kalau tanya about my continuous assesments masa first year...pehhh. fail all the way.

God is mysterious in His ways, but He knows best, so redha je lah :)

p.s. ini bukan entry belagak kkkk...omg ramai kott dapat 2nd class for the osce. 40 people out of 120 lebih kurang.

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