Monday, April 20, 2009

jumping on the bandwagon

i've always thought it was about time i do a blog appearance overhaul, but i never really found templates i like. i haven't had a bubble bath since i left kak rose and kak cikin's apartment two years ago, and i came up with the name because bubble baths kept me sane. it calms me down during one of the most trying times of my life, and it deserves some credit. but the name reminds me of those times...i'm a new person now. i'm stronger, and i'm more confident in my studies. i'm actually doing better too, alhamdulillah.

i wanted to change the title to 'this is the diary of a freak/geek', but i suppose there would be those who don't know of the tv show Freaks and Geeks and would take it as a negative connotation. now that i said if 'this is a diary for the freaks and geeks' makes it any better la kan. WHOTever. if you're popular and you're not a geek you shouldn't be reading my blog :P

i discovered this cutest blog on the block website through my sisters and it's just way too adorable, so it isn't that hard to find a template that i like. the sidebar on the right needs some getting used to, but what do you think about this? yay/nay?


han86 said...

masa page ni br nak upload, i was like, aik, tersalah masuk blog laen ke! what's with the red color? nak jadi hot mcm i ek? hahahaha ;p

p.s. i'm popular and i'm not a geek, so am i banned now??? ouchh you're mean!

Tengku Atique said...

as IF i can ever be as hot as you, miss.

yes you're banned. FOREVAR. how dare you be popular in this realm of mine =P

sassydewi said...

jeles kow tgk blog i kiuk? heh.

Tengku Atique said...