Friday, April 24, 2009

going to Crimesville

Stephen's ignoring the fact that we need to go up to Knocknadodgy (a.k.a. Knocknaheeney) again for signatures on our attendance sheet since it was closed last time we went there, so i haz no bodyguard to teman me when i go there kejap lagi, walaupun hanya berjalan keluar dari teksi menuju ke klinik gp tp this is Crimesville we're talking about and people always look like they want to beat Stephen up for walking with me! ....okay that might just be me being paranoid.

i'm really scared to go alone, and if i ask the cab driver to wait in front of the surgery while i go in and get the signs it's going to cost me a bejillion euros because obviously the gp can't sign it straightaway since it's a busy medical centre


i hate youuuu Stephen MMurrrpphhyyyyyy why can't you just drive us theeeerrreee grrrrrrr

Stephen Murphy Ah, couldn't be bothered with it because the person in the office told me I was fine. Thanks for letting me know though!

tapi they sent me an email asking for it and i'm a skema student and all that aaaahhhhhhhh

----> SUBJECT OF ANGST WITH FAKE INNOCENT FACE. picture stolen off facebook for extra creepy/angst effect.


admin2 said...

ahahhahahhhahahaha...abesla kalu dio tahu mung dok ngato dio~

Tengku Atique said...

hahaha syyyyyy :P

sassydewi said...

i must say, zee subject is HOT. hahahaha... kow sbb darak mat salleh jadi walau gmbr siapa pun yang dipaparkan mesti serro hot jgk. kihkihkih

Tengku Atique said...

he's a child! well not to you. lahir tahung 1990 nih, tuo stahung jah from you.

admin2 said...

OMG! dia lahir thn 90??? this is not fair!!! mude giler!!! nway, klu xsilap, hmm bilal lahir 1991. huuu...xaci!!!