Saturday, April 18, 2009

'blah blah're fat'

i made this before i left but never got the time to upload it because i was rushing to catch the plane. the title is a quote from somewhere, you win if you know. and no niesa, you're not allowed to participate in teh guessing game.



Iron Butterfly said...

urgh. ur accent.

alaa tiq i can finish all those bananas and strawberries in like 10. it's nothing.

what? you trying to diet laa your other two demented california fitnessers sisters of yours ah?

btw, kakwe was over the moon when ganteng si neighbour hensem kato "eh ni kakak yang keje reporter tu kan? makin kecik? nampak beza sangat"

hahah takleh blah. koya for days.

Tengku Atique said...

no, it's vomit-worthy for me. i bought them to be blended in smoothie form!

i'm ALWAYS trying to diet and then failing miserably.

bahahahahaha i can imagine kakwe's koya giggles already XD

Tengku Atique said...

p.s. yes, i know, MY ACCENT. it's annoyingly britishitty.

han86 said...

ceh, the only thing yg i can proudly give d answer laa yg kau tak bagi aku teka.

p.s. i kinda like it. no, not the fact that u could eat that much in a go, but that bladi britishitty accent of yours, haha.

beeRamza said...

atiq, no diet pls. anda suungguh kurus.


i really love that b-shitty accent oso! hahaha..mine is forever manglish~ hahaha...=b

Tengku Atique said...

niesa : haha, thats a genius word i came up with, right, britishitty. lol.

behaw : manglish is fun! hehe. kekurusan saya hanya ilusiii.

Clueless in Love said...

what iz diz? talking behind my back? miahahaha... I was over the moon... Ganteng said: 'Betulke orang yang sama ni? Nampak susut' ~ giggled happily ^^ ~