Thursday, March 5, 2009


i just texted mom and dad to say i got 1st class honors for biochem and 2nd class honors for physio. what i DIDN'T tell them is that i failed anatomy. LOLOL T___T

serves me right, i didn't arrange things well enough to make room for histology, so i knew nothing of the, i think 10, questions on histology that we had. not studying it means all i see was meaningless round circles. *sigh.

feels a bit like a loser for failing the one with the least material to cover.

i got an overall pass, so all is good, i guess.

but Kakwe/Kakak, i didn't give half-truths like this one last time. i really did got an overall 1st class honors for my neurosciences, i promise. please believe me T__T

just didn't want the parents to be epicly dissapointed in me and thus not letting me go to cambodia, or something.

-_______________-" sorrryyyy



Anonymous said...

ooo tau takuk!! ngahahaha...well done! gud job! study smart! lebihkan tido, banyakkan main, kurangkan buku...hidup lebih bermakna bersama horlicks!

p/s : lambang Pakatan Rakyat rasanya harus digantikan dengan lambang pokok beb!!

Tengku Atique said...

thanks :D

tapi adakah hidup lebih bermakna apabila lebih tidur dan banyak main?

..just saying.


Anonymous said...

no...i never said dat...i said 'hidup lebih bermakna bersama HORLICKS'...NOT tido n main! hahaha...gotcha!!

Tengku Atique said...

i know, but the sentence structure made it sound like...ohhh lets not debate on this. okay you win! :D

haha. :P wanna tell me what reverie is already, or what?!

Anonymous said...

here it goes about Reverie as what has been written on the back cover of the CD:

"'Reverie' has been composed on 15 February 2009 by Hareez. This version has been recorded in Dene's bedroom (Melaka) together with Kema & Dene (Sound Engineer), Jeri and Pokmat (Crew). It is about a love-hate-love relationship between two parties which lead their life in parallel, searching for a way to intersect. This version has been recorded to replace the original version which the composer has recorded right after he composed this song (lousy version). Last but not least, this song is specially dedicated to the person who means a lot to the composer. This is about what the composer felt all of these years, waiting and still waiting. The composer dedicated this song to the person right on her twenty second birthday. May this be the truth that she might or never knew. Insya-Allah..."

Tengku Atique said...

that is...

kay i'm not going to let the sarcastic sadist within me say anything this time.

i will say...i don't know what to say.

good luck! ...or something like that.