Friday, March 20, 2009

LOL awkward.

i had one of those awkward moments in life in which i wish i can turn into...the wind, or something. i always spaz out at ALL the wrong times. gahhh.

in other news, here be a conversation;

'hair looking good today.'
' hair? i take that as an insult. LEAVE ME ALLOONNE it's exam week!!'


i had my microbiology lab just now and it was pretty weird that we were warned about how they have all sorts of bacteria samples being brought in the building so we can't bring the provided manuals out of the lab in case it's contaminated. but there weren't even any gloves around, and we handled the e.coli and micrococcus with bare hands o.O

and they didn't even remind the students to wash their hands before leaving. i found it rather odd.

bye now. x

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