Thursday, March 12, 2009

ekzam frenzi.

i need to study more and mess around less.

i went to a different group's CP tutorial just now due them screwing around the timetable and my being in a general confuzzled state, as always. i studied a lot on the today's topic because i figured since my tutor doesn't really teach us anything, i might as well learn just everything on my own. but because i went to the wrong tutorial session, i got a different tutor. and she was fantastic, i love her so much. i learned a whole lot of thingamajics and bits and pieces of the material i studied last night fell on all the right places. now THAT is what i call a tutorial. i got a bit depressed at the end, thinking about how much i could've learned if i was assigned a different tutor, but i suppose it's not healthy/nice to have that sort of mindset/point of view.

WHAATT am i yapping. sorry. the point of this post is to say that i'm putting on my study hat (haha baru nak put on study hat omg atiqah sila panik sila panik).

quoting the posters the student union put up in the library last Summer,



Anonymous said...

owh i lyke ur student union..amat memahami

notakaki : foto2 baru telah di-muat-naik

Tengku Atique said...

sokmo ngepeng kat blog aku haha. sorry it's private, would have given slightly more exposure if it's not :P

oohhh gamba saing u ttuney hari tu eh.