Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jam Bumi yang lain timezone dari kamu

the lights are off for earth hour.

i lighted the new aromatherapy candle i bought on sale, it costed me only two euros. it's a melon & cucumber candle, and i am in love with it. totally ignoring my neroli & roses candle because the neroli smells like dead cats and it takes ages for it to burn down to the pink rose part at the bottom.

i went to eat fantastic food at Banna Thai just now, and we talked about the glorious phenomenon that is the food in Malaysia. LOL. we like torturing ourselves like that. AND SHADAP KORANG YANG DEKAT MALAYSIA JANGAN GATAL NAK START KISAH CERITERA KORANG LUNCH NASI KANDAR NASI DAGANG APE BENDA EHHHHH MALAS NAK LAYAN.

sayang dari kejauhan dalam kegelapan (mari merabunkan mata),

p.s. monetized the blog for the lulz. it'll probably be of decent amount for a check in 10 years! the me 10 years from now will be thankful for the 10euros she'd be getting!


akumarah said...

Earth Hour di KL had no difference...u can google for the pics...stupid Malaysia

Tengku Atique said...

you need to chill sometimes you know.

akumitokmaap said...

eh sori...the previous comment was made by referring to 2 pictures dat i got from google...when i search deeper n deeper...and in youtube...ternyata KL jugok take action...dat time i was in Kelana Jaya sedang menjamu selera...hahaha

Iron Butterfly said...

bengong lah Pok Yeh. KLCC siak gelap lagi.

akupokyeh said...

eh mano la sayo tau...ore hok post gamba tu dale google la hok bengom...hahaha

Tengku Atique said...

i think the pictures you saw are from 2008 :P

Clueless in Love said...

apo la pok yeh. ore padang tokku pun bergelap maso earth hour. siak call kakok2 kat kl lagi remind.

A: kakwe, male ni 8.30 earth hour
K: wah adik tahu. takpo ko dok dale gelap?
A: bakponyo, srupo jahla denga takdok api..