Tuesday, March 3, 2009

i'm a silent traveller.

assalamualaikum :]

have you ever experienced awkward silences...?

it's normal enough a thing for everyone to have experienced it, right? even the youngest reader of this blog must have experienced it, albeit being only (almost)thirteen.

the thing is...despite me being in a constant state of verbal diarrhoea, i'm almost always silent when i'm walking...or when i'm in a car, or a plane. as most of my other habits...it developed due to childhood shenanigans. well, i suppose they're not shenanigans if they lead me into being the person i am now.

when i walk with/sit beside someone who's not used to travelling with me...i always feel this constant pressure to come up with things to say (which might lead to said verbal diarrhoea consisting of awkward topics), because otherwise we'd fall into an awkward silence.

i don't mind if the non-silent traveller in question is a close friend who's used to my being an awkward misfit, because we'd talk for a bit and then we'd fall into a comfortable, mutual silence.

for this reason, i like going places with mas. because she's a silent traveller too, so we'd talk very little during the journey, and then we'd just fall into a long silence..

...i said awkward thrice. vocab thirst alert!



nona said...

kito samo la tiq...kak na tok suko kecek kalu travel, unless kalu nga ore hok rapat sungguh..br la layan..kalo dok prefer dok diam2 jah... siap buat2 tido tu kalu ore dok sebeloh tok reti nok bereti kecek..hehe

Iron Butterfly said...

u no longer follow 34c meh? *hurt

Tengku Atique said...

Kak Na : Hahah, evil!

Kakak : I do, I do, but anonymously. Just didn't want to bring traffic from Didie's blog. She typed all our full names the other day, high probability of being found out. haha.

Anonymous said...

me too..
(sbnrnyo xleh oyak tp teroyak doh la)

so adil n saksama k..

Tengku Atique said...
