Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i forgot to drink water this afternoon, so just now i had to down four glasses for it to sum up to the recommended seven glasses a day.

i feel like throwing up.

this is what cold weather do to you, they make you forget you need to drink. water, that is.

why in the world did blogger stop doing spellchecks anyway? i can't spell. i need the red lines! grrr.

oh, am i the only one who just found out that being on coke is considered sort of normal/acceptable here in Cork, and the west in general? and i don't mean coca-cola coke, i mean cocaine coke.

so bizarre. bizzarre? bizzare?? AAHHHH. MAGICAL RED LINES, COME BACK HERE, YOU!


Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for the invite. dah lama nk tanya, takut x kasi ja huhu. wont be spreading about ur blog to ur relative if i kenal pun hehe tapi boleh link kan? senang nak cari later.hehe..

Tengku Atique said...

haha. sile2 link :D