Sunday, March 1, 2009

*edit: Dua suratsuara dariPADA yang tersayang.


Clueless in Love said...

can't wait to know what names mama has in store for bobby. ngahahaha.

Anonymous said... mesti sbb burim ngadap buku nih jadi rekod muko seniri

beeRamza said...

alamak..both sangat cute..n u too!

Tengku Atique said...

Kakwe : hahahah...ohhh i do hope he doesn't get offended with mama's nicknames. she can be quite the laser one, haha. kato anok tokwe, deh :P

kamukamulah jua : kwang2, no lah. i was going out thats why i was all dressed up, and i've been meaning to record those voicemails sbb the mailbox's almost full and it's too adorable to just delete :]

Bee : statement last tu ado aura kurang ikhlas hahaha. kidding2. thanks behaface :D

Anonymous said...

ingin saya tekankan di sini tentang penggunaan tatabahasa yang tepat...mari kita renung kembali tajuk perutusan saudari yang ini...Dua Suratsuara Dari Yang Tersayang...sepatutnya ditulis sebagai Dua Suratsuara DARIPADA Yang Tersayang (penggunaan 'suratsuara' saya kira boleh dimaafkan atas dasar gimik)...tetapi penggunaan DARI dan DARIPADA haruslah dititikberatkan dahulu.

(komen ini ditulis sbg bantahan sinis terhadap dasar PPSMI...semoga rejim UMNO dilaknat...Amin)

Tengku Atique said...

i have people correcting my english, japanese AND bm in my blog.

i'm glad i'm surrounded by intelligent snobs.

Iron Butterfly said...

intelligent snobs. hahaha.

btw, Hi Amin!!!! *waves to Amin in front of Atiq (padahal kat YM pon bole. Haha)

Didie said...

oloshh bkpo soro dd ganj?

Tengku Atique said...

Kakak : mano ado amin sini, lol. pok yeh la tuh. amin doesn't get passionate about anything (apetah lagi politics) ...except football.

Dids : mano ado ganj XD beha kato comey :P

Clueless in Love said...

akumaluakuorangmalaysia is pok yeh?
well, whoever pok yeh is, here's my two cents about PPSMI.
Umno has done many stupid things but the policy of teaching and learning of science and mathematics in english was just that - a policy. please do not turn it political just because the proponents are turning to the PR platform for support. unlike many other crappy policies, I truly believe this one will benefit all of us including those in the rural areas in the *long run*. and please do not compare our country to Korea or Japan because we are still far far behind. Bahasa Melayu will not be lost by the implementation of that policy, there's a higher probability that it would degenerate due to the way most of us talk, sms, blog etc rather than because of that policy.(by writing this, I want to clarify that I am NO WAY part of rejim UMNO yang dilaknat + I truly respect Pak Samad + I got A1 for my BM)

Sekiranya anda ingin menjadi guru bahasa, sila pastikan dahulu penggunaan noktah, huruf besar dan pemilihan perkataan dalam komen anda tepat.

akumaluakuorangmalaysia: no hard feelings kay.

p/s: Sorry Tiq, lepah gere smeta. I covered the story etek and I can't stand some of the things said + to get support, they agreed to support Sc and Maths to be taught in Chinese and Tamil. molek benarla tu. talk about further dividing the races.

Iron Butterfly said...

i know he's not commenting here but i know he reads *waves to Amin again. ngahaha

Anonymous said...

adeehh...keno molek kok kakwe...ok kakwe points taken :) peace! hanya sebagai sesi percambahan minda (owh i miss my debating years)

Clueless in Love said...

akuokeyajadong: ngahahaha.. sorry deh. tengoh emo etek hari tu. I too was doing a sesi percambahan minda :D