Tuesday, March 24, 2009

bukan sekadar seorang guru.

assalamualaikum dearests :]

the past couple of days were crap. it's a long story, i can't shorten it without you misunderstanding it..so i won't bother. it involves telling my ex boyfriend to stay away from me because i'm not ready for us to be friends and that i may never be, and him telling me i'm so full of myself and that i need to move on and grow up.

sigh. i wanted to explain myself to him but i guess nothing i say will be good enough. it will always end up with me thinking the world revolves around myself, and that everything is about me.

the guy does not know how it's like to live with 7 sisters. life is NEVER just about me.

i ended the email convo with a sentence that began with 'LOL' to appear as shallow as he thinks i am. i think it's funny to further feed his delusion.

anyway. the guy isn't the point.

i was shocked last night when i logged on to facebook and i saw Kakak wrote on my wall telling me Sir Mahisham passed away. it felt really, really, surreal. he was my Math teacher when i was in standard 6.

i'm not a teacher's pet material. and i was an awkward little girl with low self confidence, and i was hot headed, and a crying machine. basically i was a mess back then, and i don't think i had any real friends. i was no Kakwe, who was a teacher's pet. and i was no Kakak or Opie or Didie, who were the center of the 'it' clique. honestly speaking, i wasn't happy in ZS. i was the definition of a misfit, for all the stretch of the 6 years i was there.

i wasn't too smart (well i was, before i skipped std 4 and got into std 5 - it all went downhill after that), i wasn't a nice girl, and i wasn't pretty either. so i was pretty much invisible to the teachers. well some of them knew me because Kakak was so popular, but they always call me 'Azah'. but Sir Mahisham was different. he noticed me. and he calls me by my own name, Atiq.

it wasn't a simple thing to me back then, having a teacher who knows my name and talks to me like i matter. he was one of those teachers who leaves footprints in their students' hearts - and he left some deep ones in mine.

he was one of a kind, and i am saddened to think that despite always thinking about him during school breaks and always wanting to go see him, i never did.

i wish i'd went and visited you so you can see how i've grown into a young lady,

Atiq doakan roh Sir dikurniakan ampunan, dan Atiq doakan syurga untuk Sir...

from Him we come, and to Him we shall return.

i still have three papers left to sit for; do pray for me sayang sayangs.



Anonymous said...

asal debu pasti pulang ke debu
dari tegap bertimpuh
baik rebah merempuh


Iron Butterfly said...

Tiq, you were in ZS for 5 years, not 6.

And yes, Sir remembered A LOT of his students individually, and he could tell you anecdotes about us when we were in school. Such a great teacher.

There's a difference between famous and popular.
Famous - well known
Popular - well known + well liked
I think it was Miss Tan who taught us the difference. It's planted in my head forever.

I think famous is a better word than popular to describe me. Not everybody liked me in school but hey, you can't please everyone right?

Dad dey smaye jenazah Sir yesterday at Masjid Wakaf Bharu and mom went after work, being as busy as a CEO that she is.

I'm soo gonna try visit my teachers whenever I'm back in KB.

I didn't know they call you Azah. I thought they called you adik azah. come on, you were the first batch of PTS students, I'm sure teachers liked you.

And I bet you're the only one of the 5 who are doing medicine right? So chin up! Be proud about it.

Clueless in Love said...

"he was one of a kind, and i am saddened to think that despite always thinking and always wanting to go see him (and call him), i never did"

~ this is exactly what I did. menyesal.

I was his pet in Maths class and you know how my Maths is after primary school.

I sink or swim in class based on how the teacher is.

To please him (and to show him how good(y) I was), I was far ahead in my school work compared to my classmates and finished all my exercise books when they were not even 3/4 done. If he were my add maths teacher I would have gotten A1 and could even be doing actuarial science for all I know.

:( semoga Sir ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang yang dikasihi olehNya. amin.

Iron Butterfly said...


awah got a blog?

dohla paka namo mafasynz. hmph.

Tengku Atique said...

Kak - Amy's doing medicine too, in Russia. and i lost contact with the other two. Well, yeah..i didn't mind too much about it now. Then, yes.

and yes, awah registered mafasynz.blogspot. huhu, mafasynz is as much hers as it is ours i guess? :]

Kakwe - :( Amin.

you were cikgu P's pet student, too. hmmh.

Iron Butterfly said...

yeah.. the legend about getting B Penulisan for a silly mistake. Who would forget?

yesla as much hers as ours. tapi buat hok dio pulok. jeng.

harusla anda semua buat tajuk blog pakai nama sendiri atau pon nama yang berkaitan.