Wednesday, September 10, 2008

who are ye??

why am i getting like 50views per day now instead of my usual 25ish??~

new readers (oorr recently-becoming-obsessed/bored-reader), reveal thyself!~


The game on the computer screen showed that KuZett is now a 'VP of Sales';

KuZett : VP of Sales!! Very Person of Sales!
Atiq : *baffled* Vice President la senget!!
KuZett : tapii VIP tu key Very Important Person??
Atiq : ho la..tapi mano ado Very Persoonnn...ngaruk la adik ni.
KuZett : betul laaa...Very Person!!!
Atiq : *gives up*


Anonymous said...

did they come from terteaforsea? mann.. i wish i can block certain IP numbers from shah alam.

han86 said...

Fine, i'll just reveal myself, so yeah, its me, i'm the VP (very person) who contributes to the high no of views, i missed u, thats why ;D hahahahaha, yea righttt

Tengku Atique said...

Kakak : 61 of 100+ readers came from terteaforsea. sheeessh. i have more of your friends reading my blog than my own friends.

Niesa : *LMAO* sengettt la engkauu!

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah.. my blog has been good in promoting people's blogs. i should stop linking or else they'll find others' blogs my interesting. like yours. ahahaha..

Anonymous said...

am i also included as new viewer? spam me next time k..hihi..

love lawak kuzett very much!!

Tengku Atique said...

Kakak : i supposed to be flattered? no lah, your blog has like triple the views i have, that must mean something right. hehe.

Mushang Ganjil : oo..awak upenye stalker baru sy.

Anonymous said...

just stopping by nak dgr lagu kat playlist tu...

Anonymous said...

kita pakai stimix la kakak, most IP dynamic, unless yg pki pakej mahal, so kalo blok IP, silap ari bulan terkene kat batang idung sendiri lak nnt, huhu...