Monday, September 15, 2008

i'm leaving on a jetplane....again.

i went two days without posting...go me!

i doesn't really mean that i now have a life, all it meant is that i'm leaving in flippin' days instead of weeks, or months. so my parents are dragging me to go everywhere and see everyone.

i hate makes leaving all too real. i'm excited about second year but seeing friends in third year hurts a little bit. and i miss Cork (nad...don't hate me. hehe) and i miss living in close proximity to my friends, and most of all i miss the freedom living so far away gives me. but i won't have a KuZett talking in her sleep on my bed at night anymore, or a Didie who somehow decides that it's comfortable to hug my knee while i talk to her..

they're following me around day and night again, as they always do when they began sensing that i'm leaving soon~

i will miss going out without layers of clothes and sleeping without the restrictions of a 12 tog comforter and having ears that doesn't feel like ice.

first-hand stories about KuZett will now cease from my blog :(

next blog will be from the big room in Cork, after i change the blog's setting to Irish time..




Anonymous said...

OMG. Hahahaha..she misses Cork. Urmm..urmm...

ok lah u ade big room. My room is so small. So I have a reason not to miss cork ok.

eh i bukan nad ok. hahahaha

Tengku Atique said...

haha...senget! siap buat fake link masalahnye. kak aina ehh??!??!? haha. sukesuki je tembak.

n Z r A said...

hahaha itu i la atiq. never tot u wud be that...urm.blur! hahahaha...despite having mansion-like house, my room is tiny weeny oh so sedih.

anyway semalam saya mimpi anda marah pada saya. kite sama skolah (WTH?) pastu pengetua announce atiq pandai buat karangan english so dier tanye la apa rahsia atiq kat perhimpunan. pastu saya jawab secara random atiq suka membaca buku cth2 karangan upsr (when in fact kite kat skolah menengah) pastu i dpt tau dari dayah (yes, the obestcity) yg u bengang gilerrr sbb cakap camtu.

pastu rase awkward sangat. hahahahahah..bencilah mimpi aneh2 ni!

atiq u tak marah kat i kan?? lalalala

Tengku Atique said...

hahahahahah...mengapakahhh saye begitu senang diperkotak-katikkan???

and ROFL @ your dream! merepekla anda nihh naziwa!

i tak marahhh...i shayanggggg~ hehe.

dah pi packing! :p