Sunday, September 21, 2008

unpacking the life out of me

there are SO many things to unpack, i have no idea how to obviously i came over and blogged instead.

and i just realized something; i have a habit of publishing my post first before doing a read-over, and then only edit it if needs be. so sometimes i publish my posts three of four times before i'm satisfied with it - now the thing is i just realized that if i have any reader who follows me on Google Reader, they'd find this habit of mine pretty annoying cause Google Reader will show ALL versions of the posts...whoops. sorry about that.

i had five credit card statements, two phone bills and one paycheck waiting for me when i got here (and a grinning Niesa, a mushy Mas, and an invisible Khaza shouting from the kitchen). there's a thick fog outside, a tree of crisp golden leaves standing side by side with one thick with soft green leaves, and i have two blocks of ice as my feet - it's a lovehate relationship, the one that i have with this place.

my darling auntie gave me a Thai recipe book before i came here, which i am really thankful and excited for because of my undying love for Thai food (and food in general) - last time she gave me a compass and a traveller's praying mat, which had been very useful - she somehow always knows the right things to give :)

and you wouldn't have guessed what the guy checking my friend and i in in KLIA called me; at first i thought he was being sarcastic, but as a cynical grin began to appear from my face, he kept his straight and serious. so i quickly recovered and acted like it was the most natural thing that a stranger could've called me - you wanna know what it was?~

'Yang Mulia ada satu beg je ye?'


i'm hardly a princess, if you ask me.

and i managed to fast only until 9pm Malaysian time. the (very nice, can-only-be-found-among-MAS-crew,) stewardess began to worry about me and offered to save dinner for me just in case i want to break my fast. i told her i wanted to wait a bit more and that i wasn't hungry at all, but alas i relented because i thought i wouldn't last until 1am malaysia (which it will be when i get to London Heathrow) instead of buying food in Heathrow, i thought i should just eat the free food on the plane.

(note: these are all blatant lies...she broke her fast because a steward offered her a handsome're a weak, weak, person, Atiqah. *geleng-geleng kepala)

kay...i should probably go on with unpacking.

p.s. classes commence tomorrow. i hope i can get into Spanish. please please.


Mr Hafiz said...

are you really a princess?

Tengku Atique said...

hahah...nope. hellow new reader :)

Anonymous said...

omg.. from the profile pix he looks a bit like Jijiey. Lol. Tiq, ngepom napok ;p

atiqahmki said...

i like your list if songs.wud come by just to listen to 'em.

Tengku Atique said...

fairul : i'm sorry i didn't approve your comment...thats just not my favourite topic to talk about, no offence to you

kakak : hahah..i am a person full of sincere flatteries for everyone :p

amki : i have a friend who said the exact same thing. well...glad you like em :) and're an Atiqah AND a sagittarius!

Anonymous said...

kakak: stuju. kohola jadi fevret.

atiqahmki said...

ure a sagittarius too?
but i dont have a tengku suffix infront of my name,
and im half kelantanese.but the kelantan genes lay dormant deep inside kot.hueh.can comprehend, but i cant speak kelantan.

Anonymous said...

delete the previous one, it's with my url.

Kak We : *snorts

Tengku Atique said...

Kakwe and Kakak : ...

amki : the tengku suffix doesn't make that much of a difference, and to be fair, the Kelantanese doesn't make it easy for people who's trying to learn the accent...right? they'd go all "akhkahkahakha...bunyim macey orey siyey*!!" included =p

*siam, just in case u tak faham.. hehe.

Anonymous said...


yang Mulia..haha..nak mati gelak time tuh...