Friday, September 26, 2008

sexy beast. my new toyboy;

(excuse me while i go on my extreme fangirl mode)

...and excuse the unneccesary revelation of the contents of my closet, too. hee.




han86 said...

omg, u actually call it ur 'toyboy'? ngeeee! haha, so ni rupenye ko buat ngn camera tu, patutla halau aku time nk tgkp gmbr. but cunnnn seyh! (and I'm referring to the ipod of course) ;)

Anonymous said...

whoaaaa..... IPOD!!! this is new izzit? tok rajing kkelih pon this model.

Anonymous said...

TOYBOY tu singkatan untuk TOYOL BOY ke?

mcm menarik je ipod biru tu..bleh pinjam setahun x?

Tengku Atique said...

niesa : hahah! syyyy!

kakak : yes, it's nano fourth gen, and it's cheaper than its predecessors. comes in 9 colours and is called nano-chromatics. woOt!

mushang: 1. sengal! 2. xleh! hehe.

Anonymous said...

owh!! sbb tu nak pakai laptop LAMA aritu kui3..

btw, u can just call up the spanish ppl yg post notes to exchange spanish with english..they'd teach u for free in return

estudio espana en UCC, el hombre en mi classe es muy guapo (sila google translate hehehe)


Tengku Atique said...

hari tu lame gune sbb nk activate warranty lah yang. anyway i don't think i have good enough english to be teaching it.

...and i know what that means without having to google it :p

HOW did you get here anyway??

Anonymous said...

haa..xyah la amik spanish dah..wat je internship kat Spain hehe..owh kak aina's blog ada link ke sini hehehe

abc said...
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Anonymous said...

3 words,! anyway, that's myspace pictures u know... owh, i want a pink one. did i mention that?

p/s: bakpo takdo liat older post nyo? letih aku nok caru gmbr iPOd.