Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the good old days

i saw a familiar face when i was going around salam-ing the people after terawikh - she was my cikgu quran when i was around 9 i think. she looked a lot older and a lot thinner, too.

Atiq : Cik Mah, ingat Atiq dop? *sengih*
Cik Mah : ingatt...tok cey saknih *smiles*

at one point of time back then, i used to take aaaages to get to her house despite it being only a 5minute walk away from my house. why did it take me long, you might ask? because i cycled there. you would think that it would be quicker if i cycled, but no. why...?~ because i didn't really know how to ride my bike. LOL.

i used to fall every few seconds, then i would get up and try again. i think it took me like a week to really get the hang of it...but i still fell from time to time because i was either too small or too tall for the bike...i couldn't quite remember. sometimes when i think about the time when i was teaching myself how to ride the bike, i wish i still have that sort of rough determination within me. i lost it somehow, as i grew up, and i wish there's a Lost and Found counter i can go to and demand that i be given my Determination back. *sigh

as i was heading towards the surau's door, i felt someone tapping my back ever so softly.

Cik Mah : Atiq..
Atiq : hmm..?
Cik Mah : Atiq koho comey... *sengih*
Atiq : hehe *sengih*

she is adorable :D


Anonymous said...

"cik mah ado anok jatam cik mah?" hehehe

Iron Butterfly said...

hahahah.. i didnt realise u dont know how to ride bikes. i thought we all used the same method. tulong pege and pushed then bilo tok kaba we let you guys go. hahahah..

Anonymous said...

mestila cik mah amik ati...

Tengku Atique said...

awish : takdop lah! hehe.

kakak : awah did that, but i was way too scared because we were using the big blue bike instead of the smaller pink one, so it didn't work, huhu.

mushang : jelesh!

Anonymous said...

so, r u saying shes adorable just becz she said " Atiq koho comey" ? just kidding =P
bestnyo poso dirumoh..
tok saba weh nk kelik..

Anonymous said...


p/s1: atiq...adakah kt akan bertemu sabtu ni???
p/s2: kt mne nok jupo???hp guer ilang ...tepon umah klu nak kaba pape...nak ur no...haha
p/s3:pe brg lg nak kena bwk balik???takut tertggl...

Tengku Atique said...

mimi : hehe...stadium happening! balekk cepatt~!

adilah : haa tu laaa...baru duk teringat-ingat dekat encit adilah. my phone number ade dalam yahoo group, search je contact atiq or something like that k! call la! tiket kan dengan sayeee...awak tau kerr pukul brape haa?~

Anonymous said...

Hahah, molek la tuh
awok jupo cik mah time smaye terawikh,
sayo jupo kak moh
huhu, ustazah time taski..huhuhu

Anonymous said...

haha...tau..tau....kite pon ade gak flight details tuh..dpt time kt bayar hr tuh..kol 10 kan????kan???huhu

Tengku Atique said...

dibah : (dibah key??) sayo ingak jugok cikgu kak moh!!

adilah : haa...iyerr...datang airport teross lepas solat subuh k!!