Monday, February 4, 2008

It's Not Over/Second vloggGg

zee ekzam eez over ^.^

Al-Baqarah : 186

"Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya padamu tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi perintahKu, dan beriman kepadaKu, agar mereka beroleh kebenaran"

i am so thankful...sepanjang i'm in medical school i think this is the first time ever that i feel rather calm after an exam..i didnt do fantastic or anything like that, but it went rather well. i dont know how i did it, it must have been The Ever Generous, it must have been all the prayers from everyone - thank you for praying for me dear family and friends...i love you endlessly.

it may be too early to say thanks to people because i dont really know how it'll turn out...but i'll keep on praying that this time He will deem me worthy of at least an overall pass :]

i know that this is far from over, and i know Summer exam is going to be WAY harder than the continuous assessment...i'll keep on working hard, and i'll always be needing your prayers...keep praying for me, please...?~

assalamualaikum :)

-Atiqah, cepat tolong Sudin buat keje MCS, jangan malas-malas-


Unknown said...

mimpi indah....
tetibe tukar mood....
lamer dah tak dapat mimpi....
indah atau tak indah....

hurm...dah bersedie???nanti aku cari ko...aku ade seribu satu list pertolongan untuk ko pilih...hahahha

Ain Sallahuddin said...

hahahahahha...cant stop atiq sangat comell!!!!!..keep up the good work!!..ain support atiq all the way from malaysia!!!muackss!

Tengku Atique said...

kasmori, shamsuddin (hoho) : anda telah merosakkan mimpi indahku, cehs. hehe. sorry xdpt gi meetinngg!

ain : heee, thanks ain!! ainnn, how come you never reply to the shouts i left @ ur blog?? :( :( :(

Hidayah Obestcity Memeyh said...

ceh!! brani mention nma aku begitu rupe... ye ah, ye ah~~~ itu je yg aku ske. huhu...

Tengku Atique said...

hehehehehe alamak. dayahhhh jangan mrajukkk...! ampunnn

Anonymous said...

mek, eh how come u always wear that checkered (haha i tried my best to spell) jacket when going on webcam? serupa itu wilson on home improvement eh?

Tengku Atique said...

haha, this is the checked jacket's first appearance on the net la makcik! mane ade lain lagi dah, adoi. i recorded that right after i got back from the exams, lol

AD said...

ahakz! comey! leh improve lagi.. meh bljr sama2 movie-maker.. =)

Iron Butterfly said...

Tiq so sorry i missed your exam. I did YM you the next day to ask how it went, but as usual u didnt respond.

Life is still bad for me. But am trying to make the most out of it.

And by the way, DBE 717 is 1 week old today!!!! I wanna post the picture in my blog tapi serro supo tacky, takdop nice shot lagi. hahaha.. but really, the colour is the best in range, even Tok Ku loves it.

Iron Butterfly said...

and just saw the video after my comment. hahaha kiutnyooooo laaaa...

Iron Butterfly said...

(baca dengan nada separa nyenye)

Tengku Atique said...

the other blue belad: whooops, didnt mean to call you makcik. i mean pakcik. sorryyy!

ad: kak di ajar laa..atiq tak reti :/ hehe

kakak: uu...sorry i'm quite busy lately, i dont really log on to the ym nemore. omg, i'm totally googling the car up. blueberry tea sounds adorable.
p.s. kakak forever and ever x puas hati kalu ppl oyak atiq comeyy! hmhhh. atiq takdop perasaey pun ppl say you're pretty! :p

AD said...

vlog dak nie mcm menarik...