Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Atheists are emotionally tiring

i know i should be more patient with them and help them through.

but honestly, they come up with a bejillion misunderstandings about religion that they're so sure of, and when i try to explain it, they attack even more based on my sentences. get THIS: I AM NOT A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER! so get over it when i use a couple of imperfect words to explain some things.


it is SO frustrating, reading their e-mails. they're full of false thoughts on religion, they're typed in english sentences so complex that i have to read it, like, ten friggin times before i think i get what in the world the point is, and they're just - urgh.

what, you worry about 'religion being given a free reign which can have disasterous consequences on real people'...? oh well well, congratulations. i can see your point quite clearly. i mean, the world as it is now, with powerful countries being given a free reign, is WONDERFUL, right? i mean, all the wars, oppression, colonization, mass killings, earth destruction, global warming..such PEACE and so FULL OF LOVE. You, sir, is well aware of what's going on in the world, i can see.

this time i won't even bother worrying the other committee members about what to reply to them. these people- they'll go on debating no matter what i say, and i have no interest in debating about religion. it needs some simple listening and observation. it needs the will to learn a very sensitive topic without prior judgements.

i know not all atheists are like this. so if you're an atheist and you're reading this, and you're getting ready for this post to end so you can start typing comments on how offended you the world a favour and stop. if you're not like this, then i'm not talking about you. get over it.

i'm sorry that this is an angry post, and i'm sorry i'm lashing out on atheists here even when i know none of my readers are atheists.




Anonymous said...

hehe...tengku atiqah bahase makhluk asing maner ko gne nih...huhu..
don't be angry too much, dont be mad.angry,madness will anesthetize our rational advise, keep up the good work.don't give up telling the truth.believe me you will never do that for nothing.malaikat Raqib will never missed to write it on your book...may Allah guide you and strengthen your stand.
I suggest if you feel like don't know what to say, just forward the e-mel to some one you think can give better answer..foward it to Mr Ali or Dr Oktar.believe me they always check their e-mel almost every one hour.they may give better answer.

"Dr. how you manage your time btw profession and da'wah?"-Bro A
"Remember brother, you are muslim first, then you can be what ever you want to be"-Dr.Oktar

theclumsydoctor said...

been there atique. what i've learnt that we can make them understand, but it makes u appreciate more what you have. hang in there ;)

Anonymous said...

assalamulaikum atique...

kt rse kt faham...nfjnf avnaf e9rru3f jfnfufwisc lapam cnnsi fwi27eha ajiad8 ajddhd8 dh8ah daldq jsi823##^(()) csjsi (^<^), kan???kan???kan???

kt dua nih sme spesiesla...

Tengku Atique said...

sudin: jzkk...and yes, i prolly should...e-mail die ape dah?~

kak yusma: you're right, thanks for pointing that out for me :] its not all that bad, was just cranky when i read it i guess, huhu. btw i never knew you read my blog!

adilah: waalaikummussalam...kwang3. sabar je laaa budak ni!