Thursday, February 7, 2008

a belated thank you letter for a very special person

i fell asleep on the couch, and when i woke up its already dark
i was tired and grumpy, and all i wanted to do is sleep on my bed
and then i realized i haven't done my homework yet
i needed to write lines in Jawi in my three-lined book
i knew i was going to take hours to finish writing it because i was never good at writing Jawi
so i started crying
and then you came
and you took the book and pencil from me and started doing it for me
i thought you have the most amazing Jawi handwriting ever
thank you Kakwe..
i was seven.

my school had afternoon sessions for Standard Two and Standard 3
i used to go to Ketani in the morning
and Ayahnda would come pick me up around 12 and send me to school
even though i could have walked, it was only 10 minutes away
you used to iron my uniform every night, so i can fold it, put it in my basket,
and carry it with me to Ketani
one day you forgot to iron it
and i threw a tantrum and demanded that you iron it for me the next morning
you were rushing to get ready for school,
but you ironed it for me nonetheless
and i thought you were a very nice person
thank you Kakwe..
i was nine.

i just finished PMR and i was bored beyond belief
you took me with you to your campus,
and i thought you were the smartest person i ever knew
you took me to places around KL
we went to The Mines and Padang Merdeka and KLCC
we took a lot of pictures and i was very happy
albeit being really tired keeping up with you
me and my cow-ish stamina
thank you Kakwe..
i was fourteen.

adolescence in MRSMPC was very hard for me
i struggled to fit in and i thought everybody hated me
i got into a lot of trouble with friends because i was too immature
i was trying so hard for my SPM and i was tense
one day i got a good luck card from you
signed with your usual 'Who Else? Kakwe'
i thought you were the most thoughtful person ever existed
thank you Kakwe..
i was sixteen.

living in KMB doing International Baccalaureatte was bittersweet
there were times that i needed to get out of there
you drive me back and forth from your house in Shah Alam
no matter how busy you are
and how tight a budget you were on
during one of the weekends,
you drove me to that Harry Potter movie in Midvalley
even though you were so exhausted from work that you fell asleep during the movie
because you knew it would make me happy
and because you knew how much it would mean to me
thank you Kakwe..
i was eighteen.

i failed a paper and i had to repeat the year for it
i was having a nervous breakdown
i was crushed, i was trying to act strong
and i broke when i found out that my scholarship status is threatened.
and then i got your text
right after Mom's text. even before Grandad's phonecall
'it's okay dear, by that time i've worked for some time and i can be of financial help to you'
thank you Kakwe..
i was nineteen.

i think you are the most amazing person, second only to Mama
you've been there for me all my life
and up until now, i still think that you
have the most amazing Jawi handwriting ever
are a very nice person

the smartest person i ever knew

the most thoughtful person ever existed

and up until now, i still look up to you
you've sacrificed so much for your little sisters
i know you had a tough time being the oldest of the eight of us
and because of that, i want you to know that
you don't have to do it anymore
you can rest,
i want you to know that i'm a big girl now
i am twenty one this year
it's about time i learn to take responsibility
when i mess up
i know you and mom and dad and grandad
said you'll pay for my studies if MARA stops my scholarship
i'll stay here and work this Summer
i'll save money
i'll be the big girl you've been waiting to see

the gift of Iman and the gift of happiness and a good man to take care of you
i pray that God grants my humble prayers

i love you Kakwe,
with all my heart
nothing i do can ever repay you

i'm in tears when i compose this letter for you,
i miss you Kakwe, and i wish i can go back this Summer


Anonymous said...

atiqah dearie,
this is the most touching entry ever. i cried, despite the fact that i don't even know your kak we...:)

Unknown said...

tengku atique...
Thanks for this touching entry..
its make me thinking how thankful was i''m bad at appreciating others...
buat aku berkire2 berape kali aku berterime kasih dgn my Mom and dad, My brothers and sisters, my housemates,friends....the most important is to Allah who gave me all this..
Thanks Tengku Atique...

Tengku Atique said...

Kak Husna : huhu. maybe you were missing your Kakwe. Kakwes of the world are excellent creatures :)

Sudin : :)

Kakwe still haven't seen this entry yet.. :/

Iron Butterfly said...

i just seen this entry today. yeah i think i remember the day kakwe did your jawi homework for you.

and yes, we all hope kak we will get a man who deserves her.

Tengku Atique said...

i cant believe she's still single. guys are blind.

Anonymous said...

i wanna cry but i m in brukfild library...malu nanti klu org nampak...huhu..
i don't have a kakak...and reading ur entry made me feel like having a kakak like kakwe...but it's God's plan that i have an abalong which is sort of like kakwe...
n abalong got some other calon dah or else, i can share kakwe with u eh?huhu...

p/s: kakwe atiqun marah ke kite tulis ceni?

Anonymous said...

sis ,
glad that someone actually noticed how precious a KAKWE is apart from those 'membebel' thingy only... huhuhu

-am also a kakwe + chik :)

Tengku Atique said...

Adilah : happy 21st dear :) i'm sorry i made you sad...i'm sure Abalongs of the world are about as excellent as Kakwes :) my kakwe tak marah kot, abang awak yang marah karang suke hati nak kasik2 die macam frame gambar je lagaknye hehe :)

Kakwe Chik : it's hard not to notice :) xoxo

Anonymous said...

Sorry it has taken me so long..

Yesterday I called Kakwe Chik to get updates since we now live far apart and I can no longer crash at Section 9. At the end of the call she said “Atiq tulih tribute ko you, tok baco lagi ko?” and I felt like Awww..
But I was thinking “What could possibly she wrote about me? I didn’t remember doing anything special. Especially lately that I’ve been busy with the coming general elections that I’ve yet to post the things I bought for her + the extremely belated birthday card + Tokku’s duit raya and I haven’t even drop a line at her blog, which I made a point of reading at least once a week just to see how she’s doing.
But today I have time. So I read. And I remembered. And I cried.
Thank you for remembering…
Thank you for making me shed tears for something worth crying for, for once…
I cried a river for dashing Korean actors but those tears meant nothing compared with today’s.
When relatives and friends asked or praised me for the things I did for my sisters I always said, “Doh nok wak ghano, anok sulung, terpaksola, sapo lagi nok buak – What to do, I’m the eldest, I had to, who else is going do to that.”
Today you made me feel ashamed I ever said those things.
The rewards I’ve got I’ve never really noticed but you reminded me today.
For that, I thank you.
And I love you too.

Who Else?

Tengku Atique said...

Kakwe....! i've missed you so much, i should have known you'd be busy with the coming elections :/

even before this entry my friends had known how much i adore you, and you should know that i have friends that read your columns and updates me on it :] All my friends who've met you adores you, too.



nolee said...


Anonymous said...


kak atique..
huhu, i guess i've missed the gerabak miles away..

reading ur entry really really touches me.. and reminds me of who i am & how deadly serious trouble i'd throw myself into if i'm not aware of my current stake.. hmm, i wish i had a sister like u and kak we..

I've reached cork last nite, the moment i entered jannah, it was silence.. and I cried.. though I promised myself I'll not cry anymore.. and i cried again when i read ur entry..[jahat nyer, u made me cried sooo muccch] it reminds me of how small i am, and how sooo weak a human can go.. esp when i'm all alone.. sigh.. alhamdulillah u remind me of His greatness..

i just wish that all of this will go well, insyaAllah.. hope for His blessings and redha.. pray for me will u?!

[sorry tumpang scribble kt sini since i don't have any blogs to let go off my emotions.. heh]

~missing everybody in cork~

Anonymous said...

man,this really2 nice..

my heart stopped a while..

from now on Mushang will love KAKWE..

Hope can share KAKWE..hihi