Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Hallowwwweeeeennn!~

well this is a bit late i suppose. a day late. hmm..tibe2 teringat kat #58 ladies. we had carved pumpkins during last year's Halloween, we made them a couple of days before that. and Charlene drew tarot cards for each of us in turn, and we had a human Weetabix visiting us half drunk, and a Skeleton slamming onto our living room window, and a horde of vampires and its likes roaming around carrying beer cans. those were the days living in the students hall..

This year, however..we live in a family housing area, renting out. Mas and Khaza bought a pack of candies earlier on the day, apparently Kak Asma' told them last year kids were trick or treating to this house. true enough, at 8-something p.m. Khaza heard "trick-or-treat!!!" squeaks from outside and yelled out for me to answer the door. I opened the bag of candies and opened the door to three little irish boys (i hope they never grow up. well if they do, they better not throw eggs at foreigners!).

Me : helllloooww...what are you supposed to be?~ Here..grab all you want!

Them : (taking as much candies as they can in their little hands and furiously picking up the ones yang tejatuh)

Kid number 1 : (grins) well...i'm supposed to be a Vampire, and he's supposed to be a Darth Vader..

Me : ahhh...i see~

i looked over to Kid number 3 yang terabai because his friend/brother doesnt seem to take much notice of him.

Me : ooohhh...u're Jack!

Kid number 3/super-cute miniature Jack Sparrow : (smiles) yes, i am!!

Me : alright then..Happy Halloowweeenn!!

voice from in the middle of my front lawn : (deep, grown up voice) Goodbye now!

Me : (confuzzled)

i so wish i'd taken pictures with the little kiddies...they're the only ones brave enough to come trick-or-treating to our house last night. well. better luck next year!

(the bag of candies tinggal separuh walaupun tiga orang budak tu je yang datang...haha sabar je la banyak gile amek, seb baek comeyl!)

we planned to pakai kain smayang and scare the kids yang datang lepas tu...haha jahat gile. seb baek gak takde dah yang datang :p

mwahness :D


Mila Liyana said...

choo cuteee! hey hey hey atique.. tak tau la cik ni blogging! wuuhuu~ so cute la budak2 tu.. huhu.. kalau kat russia diorg x smbut halloween wakakaka.. atique tak pakai costume apa2 ke?

ps: emm.. imagine atique dalam costume penguin.. wahaha

Tengku Atique said...

aimi!! lame x drop comments to my friendster photos? hehe. yeah i blog, but my blog is partial crap nga-ha.

heyyyy ape pulak costume penguin!! haha..kejam kejam

Iron Butterfly said...

hahahaha.. lawok nok paka kain smaye kosek anok ore putih...

Anonymous said...

Bwaaa... jeles... so cute

Tengku Atique said...

kakak n kakwe : tee-hee