Monday, November 19, 2007


let's imagine a situation...

say you're a University student, and you're a secretary for this really active Society on campus, right. you're so busy minding your work as a secretary - writing up reports, scheduling meetings, planning major events, promoting this wrong?~ Nope.

but obviously, everyone knows a student's priority, right? what is it?~ Studies, exactly. being active in a Society...its fun, its a great experience..sometimes its even crucial for certain students in certain courses to be working in a Society in order to have better chance to get a job...

but one should always, always, put his studies first, right?~ Only the (sorry to say) less smart people will do too much Society work until he is left behind in his studies...or even worse, prioritize the Society work more than his studies...

then when the exam's closing in on him, he'll start to feel the pressure...seeing his friends that are studying say, Chapter 11...when he's still in, say, Chapter 2~ he'll begin to feel really nervous, seeing his friends attempting the past year questions...when he hasnt even finish reading...~

when the exams came and he failed to answer it well, he said to himself..

"what have I been doing all these while?? hari tu rase cam lambat lagi nak exam...aarghh..nape aku busy sangat buat keje Society niiiii..."

(by now you're probably thinking, "wow, what a moron. macam...sape suh cacat sangat...obviously study lagi penting...tu pun x reti nak fikir awal2 ke?~" i right?~)

you'll know what i meant by this cooked-up story after you watch this video...

just a reminder that i think all Muslims should watch...i was really moved when i watched it, so i thought i should share it with everyone..

jazakillah to Dayah Hamdi for sharing the YouTube link with me~



Anonymous said...

weahh~~~dayah hamdi ah kasi~~~sian dia~~dia bukannye ske main paintball je tau..har3

Tengku Atique said...

tee-hee. sorryyyyy...dah tukar dahhhh... :p

sayang awak!~

Iron Butterfly said...

wow. I'm studying for my final which is less than 8 hours away. and i saw this video...

Tengku Atique said...

its like a slap that brings us back to reality key kakak...huhu..~

Mila Liyana said...

nice vid.. emm.. terkedu jap..