Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bubbly Babblers

dear readers...

i very very the very like the idea of having a shoutbox in my blog sebab ppl can just randomly say hi and bertanya khabar and also because it has cute very berperasaan smileys 4 everyone to use (hee ^.^)

i know tak ramai orang yang sempat tgk pun the shoutbox sbb atiq letak brape hari je before i deleted it...well, lets just say its complicated.

anyhooo. purpose of this entry is 2 say,

i blog because i love writing and to give an update on my life 2 those who care. it started when i had to sit 4 the autumn exams. i do NOT write with the hope that loads of people will read telling me to promote my blog dgn lebih giat is...nonsense.

whoever thinks contents dlm blog ni xdiverse/xmenarik/bosan...
1. atiq ta pakse pun bace this blog. ta suke takyah bace, kay?
2. go to other blogs that has what u want to read about, or better yet, tulis blog sendiri...boleh tau buat blog haa..pastu bolehla tulis pasal ape-apeeee pun yang awak rasa best/worth to write about.


salam alaik.

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