Tuesday, October 2, 2007


i stayed up after subuh today especially to make sure i start the day early to go to the Second Year CP lecture at 9 and then to the General Office to book a room for MCS's Iftar on Monday (insyaAllah)

realized someone got into the shower before me so i decided to cuddle in the duvet because it was SO cold, sumpah tak tipu.

woke up, glanced at my watch, and its hands almost sarcastically showed the time to me:


great. missed the CP lecture.

scrambled off my bed and got in the shower, threw stuff here and there in my room while i was getting ready, at the same time worrying endlessly about my bike coz i completely forgot to move it to the backyard so it's parked in the front lawn, open to anyone to take sebab i didnt lock it to any tiang, just to itself.

okay enough babbling.

so i finally got to the General Office on time and filled in the booking form, only to be told that they'll be confirming L1's availability tomorrow, or earliest possible this evening.


smalam dah cakap kat kak Ros nak confirm balik hari ni.

inefficient and kelam kabut, i hate first times.
at least i'm learning.

so i went to the Student Center tu buy a thank you card for Kak Cikin and Kak Rose (kak Ros and Kak Rose are two separate entities) and also some other stuff - only to find out at the counter that i left my purse dalam kekalutan nak siap2 tadi.

thats so me.

so i went to Boole Library to borrow Vander's Human Physiology, praying hard that the receptionist'll let me in anyways eventhough i dont have my student i.d. with me to scan my way through.

i miss studying, weird as it sounds.

she was willing to let me in for 5 mins, but then she said i'd need my i.d. anyways to borrow the book.


right. so i walked to Boole Basement to do some stuff and saw the super looooong line in BOTH labs for BOTH computers and printers.

SO unproductive and SO not a good way to start a day.

well. at least i booked the room.

anyway its only 12.46pm so i still have time to do things to make sure today isnt completely wasted.

so i hereby announce today LAUNDRY DAY, to wash the clothes in the almost full super-sized Argos laundry bag.

will go up to campus again to borrow Vander's later on today insyaAllah.

have a nice day people.



Anonymous said...

tiq, i have Vander's human physio.
i have 3 buku physio.
come take mine.
eh aritu nk wi kaen kby ko atiq maso jupo, tp tok tingat.
then atiq g cork b4 im back home again.
ajatnye nk suh dey b4 atiq g, sory dehs.
mocik atiq paka dop kby, nk kaler gapo?

Tengku Atique said...

wish i can go take yours...library tu pn patutnyo wi jah buku tu ko atiq...atiq pah renew,renew, supo jadi hak milik doh lebih kuram haha.


ummmm...apple green adow?~ x pum...kuning cair..?~ ehe...ehe..

-bahagia, bahagia, :p -

thanks mimosh cayam!!