Friday, January 28, 2011

an entry in bullet point.

  • one thing my sisters and I have in common is we seem to think we're capable of writing a kick-ass novel.
  • one good thing that has come from my insecurity (and overcoming it...somewhat) is that I can usually tell when someone's weird antics or downright stupid decisions stemmed from their insecurities.
  • Room by Emma Donoghue, is one hell of a powerful book. I read that book online and I bought The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo because I can't help's on almost EVERY SINGLE best-selling/recommended shelf in almost EVERY SINGLE bookstore I go to. And I go to A LOT of book stores.
  • ...and then I realized that both of them revolved around victims of sexual offenders. what the hell is wrong with me?!
  • I've written a couple of entries since the last one but they're on draft because I'm indecisive like that.
  • this entry is riddled with grammar mistakes I better leave now.