Saturday, January 15, 2011

the dawn of a new beginning.

the title might have been the result of watching too much Merlin.

I started watching it after seeing my sisters mentioning it in twitter a few times and getting curious, so I downloaded the series.

that show has what I needed it to have; a lot of male characters, none PG18 scene (I am a grown woman alone in a deserted island*. It HURTS watching Blair and Chuck), and a good dose of magic, dragon, and mythical creatures. what it didn't have, unfortunately, is a group of witty and intelligent sriptwriters to pen an interesting plot. as much as I want to like it, the storyline gets a bit repetitive and dull after a while.

anyway. this entry wasn't meant to be about Merlin. I wanted to write about the constellations. my sister posted on facebook about the zodiac dates changing a little bit, and though I am not one who would care too much about zodiacs, it does disturb me somewhat, the fact that I am no longer a Sagittarius. My star is now Ophiuchus. My reason of being annoyed, obviously, is that it is a FREAKING NEW ZODIAC WTF?!**.

In reading many, many, stories involving mythical creatures I have grown very fond of (and attached to) centaurs for their bravery and honor. Never have I encountered a book that tells of a centaur being a villain, or a coward.

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and exploration, more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. The vices to which Sagittarians are prone are anger they tend to flare up over trifles; impatience - they want to rush every new project through immediately and demand too much of colleagues who cannot work at the pace they require; and scorn of the inadequacies of others while expecting fulsome recognition of their own efforts.

...that sums me up pretty good, actually.

In my annoyance, I looked up what all this Ophiuchus is about. The symbol is of a man holding a serpent - despite my secret wish of being a parseltongue, I do not identify with a serpent at all so this didn't please me. Since this 13th zodiac is relatively new to those who didn't study astronomy, there isn't much written about it. However, something in its wiki page caught my eyes;

One of the most used symbol of Ophiuchus, is the Rod of Asclepius. This symbol is no stranger to me. I see it almost daily.

It is, indeed, the symbol of healing, widely used by those who practice medicine til this very day.

The Irish Medical Council


p.s. It didn't escape my eyes that someone has cleverly added the link at the bottom of Ophiuchus's wikipedia page. I like discovering the random subliminal messages people put into wikipedia pages just for laughs.

*that may have been an exaggeration
**fish. I meant fish, of course.

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