Sunday, January 16, 2011

some more of this.

Did I ever tell you that I always translate things literally from Kelate into standard Malay when I talk, and they don't always work?

At first my housemates never said anything about it and just gave me a blank expression everytime I say something that doesn't make sense to them. Usually I just confuse them because my pronunciation is always correct, it's just that people don't use the words I use for that particular context.

Example being; saying 'hujan dah serik' when the rain stopped pouring.

but since my standard Malay vocab doesn't seem to get any better and I kept on making the same mistakes over and over again, my housemates finally voiced their concerns.

Atiq : Eh...cukup pulak nasik ni. Tadi Atiq ingat nak tanak nasik baru sebab nampak macam siket

K Filah : *stares at Atiq in amusement*

Mas : Yang kau tiba-tiba puitis semacam kenapa?

Atiq : ...???? What??

K Filah : ahahahaha, tu la Mas, akak pun fikir camtu gak.

Atiq : Apaaaa korang niii??

Mas : Atiq, mana ada orang cakap 'tanak nasik'

Atiq : Salah ke?

Mas : Memang la betul, tapi bunyik dia puitis semacam. Masak nasik lah.

Atiq : Mana aku tauuuu habis tu orang Kelantan cakap nnanok nasiikkkk.

K Filah : Lagi satu Atiq suka cakap: dahaga *LOLOLOL*

Atiq : Habis tu kalau bukan dahaga apa???!?



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