Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter rendezvous

I have some explaining to do, to my sisters especially. Regarding what, one might ask? I'm going to Paris for winter break.

I know I know I knowww...I keep saying I need to save and then tiba2 sesuka hati sahaja nak spring a 'Guess what guys I'm going to Paris for Christmas!'

I *promise* I got a good deal for it, with super cheap flight tickets and accomodation, and I'm only going for four days. This is my last chance to travel europe because obviously next year I can't do it anymore. Initially I planned to go to Berlin but word has it the weather is insane over there. And Paris is a hell of a lot more cheaper than Berlin anyway, so.

I also promise not to blow money on shopping while I'm there *prays for self control*. Speaking of which, anything you hermanas want from Paris? Monnay must be provided if it involves something fancy. Keychain is considered fancy....haha just kidding just kidding.

I'm more excited to go to d'louvre than the eiffel tower, obviously, because 1) i'm a geek, 2) i'm not going on a romantic getaway, and 3) it's winter so anything indoors is always better.

Other than that, I have to admit I look forward (a little bit too much) to eating delish cheap croissants every single day and hunting down Parisian macaroons.

Je t'aime


Didie said...

get me a keychain. bcos i'm broke.

Tengku Atique said...

you already have an eiffel tower one from when i went to Nice, right? i'll look for something for you!