Thursday, December 9, 2010

spoilt rotten

i've been so spoilt this week, sebab my recently-graduated housemate's parents and two aunts are here. balik2 rumah laundry atiq bukan setakat dah dibasuh. malah telah dijemur dan dilipat. tinggal nak simpan dalam almari je. turun2 bawah di pagi hari kelam kabut nak pegi hospital, ada nasik goreng terhidang indah atas meja. balik tengahari untuk lunch ada mee goreng, rumah tiba2 kemas nan indah, dapur licin bersih. rak tepi meja makan penuh dengan roti, buns, scones, chocolates, chips, fruits. esok kenduri kesyukuran kat rumah atiq, makan nasik beriani special auntie ram. as great as this sounds, this would also mean mark the end of their stay. lepas ni terpaksa kembali kepada kehidupan turun bawah takde makanan nak breakfast and balik lunch makan megi T__T

i'm feeling the void when one by one orang mula graduate and balik kerja kat malaysia, i tend to be closer to my seniors than my juniors. seriously man it's going to hit me hard next may when MY OWN BATCH graduates and goes home. geez. not looking forward to that :'(

also, my 23rd birthday just passed! not only did i not have a specific birthday post like i normally would, i don't even have ANY form of blog post at ALL. either i had a pretty boring birthday, or i'm just not as into blogging as i used to be. i'd say it's a little bit of both.

i must say, the best part about my birthday is THE CAKE. ya Allah sedap gila okay Adilah buat blueberry yoghurt cheesecake. like, sumpah sedap very theeee. i think i must've eaten half of it. hahaha. and the birthday gifts i got, even though all very simple things, but each of them shows that they know me well enough to realize what things i have been wanting/needing for a long time. there wasn't a major surprise party, or a special expensive gift, or anything like that. but i'm happy enough with it. i am, alas, a 23 year old fully grown woman.


1 comment:

Sakiinah said...

pasai pa umur u bukan 24....??????
ingat kot sebaya :P