Monday, December 20, 2010

in which I talk about my (failed) Torture Diet experience.

Despite my eldest sister's warnings that the Torture Diet (otherwise known as the General Motors Diet) might destroy my focus, drive me crazy, and cause sudden death*, and that it shouldn't be tried by anyone that didn't really need to lose weight...I went ahead and did it anyway, because I'm a REBEL. Just kidding...because I want to shed some pounds.

I deluded myself into thinking that it is a form of detox and it's healthy because it involves fruits and vege, but reading a thread on a health site (during day 1) proves that it isn't, and demotivates me significantly (during day 1). It didn't take much for the thread to convince me that the program isn't from GM at all because...well. The pdf file just has WAY too many typos for it to be anything legit.

Despite the circumstances, I went along with it (during day 1), surviving on only fruits, namely a mango, an apple, a few plums...until about 7pm. This is when I was lying on my bed with my laptop on my lap, burning away at my hips...and I started to feel my body shiver. Like, actually shivering from perhaps the lack of sugar. At first I thought it was the cold, but my room was quite warm from the fan heater I had on, and I have a pretty high tolerance for cold. After a while I started feeling actual heartburn - at which point I stopped pretending the shivering had anything to do with temperature. This was quite worrying to me because I had significant gastritis when I was younger**. I actually considered ignoring the pain and forcing myself to sleep, but. Well. It was about half past 7. I also think that

1. I'm not enough of a psycho to ignore the pain to lose weight - it would probably qualify me as borderline eating disorder if I did
2. I don't think I'm FAT, so I'm not that desperate

So I walked downstairs and made toast. ONE toast. With nothing on it.

Yes, I failed the diet since day 1. Though admittedly feeling like a loser because my pretty sister did it twice and survived, and generally disliking the fact that I had a mission and didn't stick to it, I actually like the fact that I care more about my health than my looks***. In a way, I think I actually won.

Even though I went ahead and break pretty much all the rules in the following days (this is day 6), so much so that I think I no longer qualify to count the days anymore, I HAVE been eating literally about 1/6th of my normal daily portion. For a girl that belongs to the MAFASYNZ sisterhood, this is quite a feat for me to pull because I always eat like it's my bloody job. Also, I haven't drank Milo in 6 days. I think I deserve a Nobel Prize just for that.

I haven't weighed myself, but my guess is I've lost about 1kg.

The 7 Day custom-made-Atiqah-sukahatiaku-diet ends tomorrow, but I have discovered that I can eat 1/6th of what I normally do and not be hungry (or be very mildly hungry) all day. So I'm going to just continue eating this portion size. Hopefully I'll lose more weight eventually. Slowly, but surely.


* unsur hyperbola
** anybody who went to (any) school with me can testify this
*** I am not saying my sister cared more about her looks than her health, she just happens to have the capacity to handle the diet without getting sick or feeling sensations equivalent of ones you would have if you imprisoned a man in your heart and he is burning his way out of it.


Iron Butterfly said...

pretty sister? opie will be mad. LOL.

Anyway, I cheated the second time. Like a lot. I just made sure I dont take rice at all. But I had pasta with salmon. hahahaha.

I don't even know how heartburn feels like (perhaps I've had few times but being ignorant that I am when it comes to anything remotely related to biology, I didn't realise it), but torture diet is just torture because I do it on working days so I don't have time to prepare fancy vege meals like Kak We would. So I had to just resort to blanched veges seasoned with anything I can find in the kitchen.

Actually, if I have enough sleep, I rarely feel hungry, I'm just bored to death because I can't munch on the kerepeks, pringles and whatever junk food available in the office and Shell.

We have to lose weight Tiq, Kak We is catching up real fast by turning psycho and entering all these extreme sport.

If I'm subsidized by the company like her I would do it too, pfft.

Tengku Atique said...

takpo buleh panggil kakak pretty sebab saing atiq kato muko kito supo, wahahaha. not that I mind kakwe catching up, but yeah we need to lose weight. I'd feel much better about myself if I did.

don't you just HATE it when skinny people say we don't need to lose weight though? they either don't want competition, or they have no idea what it's like to have some extra kilos. either way they should just shut up.

...did I just type that?!? zomg I sound SO mean!