Sunday, July 25, 2010

summer break so far / uninspired.

dear blog.

i haven't been inspired to write about anything at all lately, hence the silence. life has been fairly uneventful, the chain of tahlils has ended. i wish i have some guy friends in kelate who's not working or in college or in his summer break but living in freaking Japan who could come.

takpela because towards the end tu ada the orphans so meriah sikit rumah tu. kalau tak attendees sikit je, kesian tengok makanan banyak-banyak, membazir. lagipun guna duit Tokku.

i can actually sense this entry ending up being really boring. siiiigh.

kalau korang bawak kereta, korang jadi garang tak? because i have this penyakit yang bila i bawak kereta je terus jadi hotheaded and kerja nak menjerit dekat driver lain je, yang sah-sah takkan dengar (namun mungkin nampak ekspresi muka borderline insane). padahal sendiri bawak kereta macam sepupu syaiton yang baru dapat lesen, yang sah-sah setiap hari kena maki dengan orang. rasa macam nak beli sticker orang kurang upaya yang warna oren tu dan tampal kat cermin belakang kereta. jamin tak kena maki.

also when i drive i would usually give way (when there's no car behind me or when there are LOADS behind me) to cars crossing T-junctions and pedestrians crossing the road, because this is what is expected of you when you drive in Cork and i was hoping the pay-it-forward system would build the same culture here. so haritu i gave way to ONE car yang nak cross and the car behind me freaking HONKED me macam orang gila. urgh. bini nak beranak kot.

kay rant over. you see how bland life has been lately. just same old family drama that i won't tell here, and the fact that i fell in love with a kucing liar and named it Ngiau. lepas tu semua orang cakap Atiq bagi nama lame gila kat dia. hey maybe i'll put her picture up in my cinta hati pengarang jantung section one of these days.

lots of love.

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