Wednesday, July 28, 2010

a different one than the others

Amir's a married man. I find it quite amusing. His side's reception will be on the 31st...I wonder how it'd feel like, going to the wedding of the boy I cried TONS and TONS of tears for for a whole week all those years ago. I think I'd probably feel amused. Because I'm a little bit messed up. Haha no really, it's because I'm well over him. I wonder what his parents would say...I hope they don't call me menantu tak jadi (you can never tell with his parents, they're so jeng sometimes. and I say that with love). That'd be tres awkward.

Ayahnda's getting madder and madder at Ngiau because she's so manja and loyal and likes to berlingkar-lingkar dekat kaki orang (sampai Atiq pernah tertendang dia sampai dia melayang-layang di awangan lols). So Mama pun sekarang dah membebel-bebel suruh Atiq pergi buang Ngiau dekat pasar because she doesn't want to wait until Ayahnda mengamuk. Sumpah sedih :(

Aite bye.

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