Thursday, June 18, 2009

100 Truths (Tagged by Opie!)

001. Real Name: Tengku Nur 'Atiqah Tengku Mahmood
002. Nickname(s): Atiq, KuTique, Tiktok, Ting Tong, Tiqtiq (Mama), Berbintik-bintik (Mama), Artistik (Mama), Biktik, Tikus, heyhhh banyak nye, kurang asam betol ye korang!
003. Age: 21 going 22!
004. Horoscope: Sagittarius
005. Male or Female: Shemale...haha. Female.
006. Elementary: Sekolah Kebangsaan Zainab 1
007. Middle School: S.M.K. (A) Naim Lilbanat
008. High School: MRSM Bitara Pengkalan Chepa
009. College School: Kolej MARA Banting
010. Hair colour: Belack
011. Long or Short: Kepanjangan rambut ialah rahsia -ustazah-
012. Loud or Quiet: Depends.
013. Sweats or Jeans: sweats at home, jeans for outings. (guna jawapan Opie secara sesuka hati)
014. Phone or Camera: Phone. I'm no camwhore. I take pictures for the sake of capturing the moment.
015. Health Freak: well...sometimes.
016. Drink or Smoke: Neither.
017.Do you have a crush on someone: Not currently. Not since a very long time ago.
018. Eat or Drink: Both please!
019. Piercings: One on each ear, that's about it. Tu pun sia-sia sebab tak suka pakai subang.
020. Tattoos: Haram.
021. Social or Anti-Social: Anti-social, hah.
022. Righty or lefty: is righty a legit word?
023. First piercing: The one i have now.
024. First relationship: Ended because I didn't want to do long distance.
025. First Best Friend: Wan Nor Adibah Wan Zakaria the cousin :)
026. First Award: entah...probably in Taski, selalu jadi budak paling pandai, sekali dengan Dibah, gehehe. those were the days.
027. First Kiss: Pass.
028. First Pet: Tiada.
029. First Big Vacation: UK Tour in 2006 (London-Liverpool-Manchester-Cardiff)
030. First Love at first sight: I don't do love at first sights.
031. First Big Birthday: the one in KMB when they blindfolded me and recorded my stumbling around the block and them laughing their heads off. THAT was my first big birthday, I think. Family's not much of the birthday type.
032. First Surgery: Appendicitis, 2004. I'm appendix-less an can eat all the bijik cili in the world now. haha.
033. First sport you joined: entah la. penah ke join sports? haha. selalu letak 'Karate' je under sports masa kat mrsmpc.

This or That

034. Orange or Apple juice: apple.
035. Rock or Rap: both.
036. Country or Screamo: are we still on music? country please.
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: oh, the days. Both please!
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Both. But ONLY the teenager version of them, NOT the crazy bald/fake English accent/full of body piercings full grown woman version.
039. Night or Day: Night. Nightnightnightnight. Always. ALWAYS.
040. Sun or Moon: Moon. MOON.
041. TV or Internet: Internet. I survived for two years without TV in Cork, boo-yah.
042. Playstation or xbox: neither. sebenarnya kalau ada mesti addicted,zaman dulu2 addicted dengan video game and brick game. nasib baik takde.
043. Kiss or hug: neither. anti-physical contact, even with ladies. haha. atiqah cacat tak suke bermesra dengan manusia. kucing dan hanjing nak pulak. heh.
044. Iguana or turtle: Iguanaaaa! omg macho k!
045. Spider or bee: Bees are amazing. I know way more about bees than is necessary. I am an idiot who knows random things I don't really need to know.
046. Fall or spring: Autumn, as the Irish call it :) I really have a stone as a heart, don't I. Preferring dead leaves as opposed to blooming flowers.
047. Limewire or iTunes: I buy songs off iTunes because I am pretentious and I think buying songs off iTunes makes me a better person ethic-wise.
048. Soccer or baseball: neeeitther.


049. Eating: nope.
050. Drinking: noope.
051. Excitement level: 10%. dah nak titon. wehh banyak nye hengkau punya soalan tag ni sopiahhhh.
052. I’m about to: berus gigi.
053. Listening to: bunyi kipas.
054. Plan for today: ni dah masuk hari Jumaat. teman Mama pegi pasar dan selanjutnya pau Mama kuih dan buah-buahan tropika. HA MAKAN LAGI KUIH BANYAK2 PASTU KOMPLEN OBESE.
055. Waiting for: Bangkok trip!
056. Energy Level: 1%...haha.
057. Thinking of someone: nope.
058. Want kids?: yes.
059. Want to get married?: yes. hisy. i wish i don't want to. (HEY SOPIAH KATO NOK GROW OLD TOGETHER. haha)
060. When?: when it's the right time.
061. How many kids do you want: seberapa banyak yang Allah nak bagi :)
062. Any name on the mind: Mikail. Nak letak Pendekar tapi sapetah haritu cakap nanti kawan-kawan dia panggil dia Pendek.
063. What did you want to be when you were little: Doktor. Cikgu. Peguam. Vet. Ape-apeee je lagi lah.
064. Careers in mind: Doctor. Doctorrrr, please?
065. Mellow future or wild: willow.
066. Something you would never try: recreational drugs.
067. When do you want to die: bila kalau mati tu, jadi syahid. please?

Which is the better in the boy/girl you like (in the future)

068. Lips or Eyes: eyes because i don't want to sound perverse.
069. Romantic or Funny?: Ronny...haha suka main tipu. Ok fine funny.
070. Shorter or Taller?: Taller. PLEASE. I don't want my kids to be hobbits.
071. Protective or Caring?: Proting...haha okok dah tak kelaka. Caring.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous. I'm too cynical for romance (yakin.)
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Isy penat nye nak fikir. Pass.
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Neither.
075. Hook-up or Relationship?:
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: haha pemalas nak fikir witty answer.
077. Muscular or normal: WHO would prefer normal to muscular?
078. Kissed a stranger: ew?
079. Broken a bone: nope.
080. Lost glasses or contacts: eh ni soalan pasal ape nih? pasal current love affair ke? habis tu kalau takde macam mana...isy, kuiz yang tidak adil.
081. Ran away from home: i'm kinda lost here. wasn't the question "which is the better in him?" --> Opie's answer. This is where we shall all conclude that she's a million times more eloquent than I am.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: ok taknak jawab dah the rest of this section CONFUSING OK QUIZ NI DAHLA NGANTUK MALAS NAK LAYAN.
083. Killed somebody:
084. Broken someone’s heart:
085. Had your heart broken:
086. Been arrested:
087. Cried when someone died:
088. Liked a friend more than a friend:

Do you believe in

089. Yourself: sometimes
090. Miracles: yes, because God is capable of doing anything if He wants to.
091. Love at first sight: not in a million years.
092. Heaven: yes.
093. Santa Claus: he's a paedophile.
094. Tooth Fairy: is slightly creepy. die buat ape weh dengan gigi-gigi tu semua? gigi palsu?
095. Kiss in the first date: nope.
096. Angels: malaikat, yes.

Answer Truthfully

097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: nope.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?: i passed my finals, so yes. yes :)
099. Do you believe in God?: YES. YES :)
100. Post as 100 truths and tag people.

i'm tagging:

hareez (blogger pemalas)



tengku sofiah aishah, berani kau tag aku dengan mendalah panjang tiga meter nih.


an update of sorts

hey guys.

did you miss me? i'm sorry i made you wait. it's been crazy. i can't believe i've only been home for a week.

i went to KBMall earlier tonight. teman KuZett buat specs. power sikit je, mula2 machine to cakap 125 sebelah 200 sebelah. alih2 power die 50 je dua2 belah whosthefather. tapi buat je la spek. dah jadi macam nenek dah muka Tengku Nur Zahirah. i found out that they now have contacts for my uber-high astigmatism, yeay! do you think i'd look better without specs? one of the reasons yang buat Atiq nak sgt pakai contacts is dekat Ireland selalu hujan and Atiq selalu jalan kaki, benci everytime pun kena jalan dalam kerabunan sebab kalau tak bukak spek nanti lagi la tak nampak, penuh dengan titisan air. another reason is simply plain vanity.

muka sekarang macam kena bom. breakout yang disebabkan oleh Atiq tukar cleanser haritu tak habis lagi. sigh.

hidup ialah hectic kerana banyak tanggungjawab Cambodia/Usrah/Kena buat fresher's pack junior yang tak buat apebenda langsung lagi tu, and in the meantime Tokku sehari tiga kali telefon 'tanya khabar' and make me feel guilty tak pegi jenguk die dalam sehari. Tokku, Tokku...

oohhh. I passed second year, alhamdulillah. yeay for me? i'm gonna go tempah my white coat next week.

Atiq : Tokku, Atiq dapat doh result, Atiq pass semo alhamdulillah
Tokku : Allahhh....Allahhhh la Atiq....Alhamdulillah....Tokku siyey maley duk rusing takuk Atiq tokleh jawak prekso...Nati Atiq paka coat putih tu kat spital nati, Atiq ambik gamba so, hata ko Tokku, neh?

that's probably the most menterharukan conversation i've ever had.

Didie kat depan ni bising duk main Gaia. Adik dah tidur, baru ajar Maths lima soalan dah ngantuk, apekaaahhh. Sindrom Anak Bongsu. hmph.

Banyak sebenarnya benda dah lama sgt jadi so tak best nak cite.

Bile balik Kelate baru tahu status kegeringan Sultan/Tengku Temenggung/Manohara, sebab duduk sebelah Tokku masa Tokku call abang ipar Sultan tanya khabar. haha. Tanya masa kat Ireland mana Atiq tau.

Opie's boyfriend is an anak Tan Sri. Sekarang kitorang panggil Opie Puan Sri. hahaha. Tinggi-Hensem-Kaya-Pandai-Baik. Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't club. (Amin, tak payah nak cakap you fit into that category as well please, mahu kena lempang?) Good enough for an anak Tan Sri. Bile dah couple lama sikit boleh mula menyiasat sembahyang berapa kali sehari, haha.

I met Kelly who came over to Kelate and stayed at Husna's place. We packed all the catching up into a few hours, which naturally resulted in fits of laughter and sakit perutness. I've missed that lady so much.

Oh, I went for breakfast at Kubang Pasu with my uncle and my sister, ketayapn(the kuih warna hijau, bukan yang letak atas kepala tu..heyy) kat situ sedap gile weh! omg. must try if you ever go there, ok. Atiq beli satu je, lepas tu pegi makan nasik kerabu kat tepi tu, then bile found out sedap gile and nak beli lagi satu, dah habes! padahal sebelum tu ade penuh lagi dalam satu bekas besar, whatthefish. Orang2 Kelate yang memang dah tahu ketayap kat situ sedap, sila diam dan pura-pura baru tahu juga, sekian terima kasih.

Ohhh...Tokku is doing miraculously well, alhamdulillah.

I'm still always on the verge of crying, besides being happy with the two bolokness in the form of bespectacled kids. My parents are in a dysfunctional marriage, and I guess that's just something I'll always have to live with. Ayahnda did bring home a new sofa set and insist that Mama bawak keluar a new set of plates to sambut kepulangan Atiq dari Ireland...I guess I'm in no place to complain no matter how much he yells at me for things that aren't my fault.

That is one thing that can make me break in a milisecond. Being yelled at for something I didn't do.

In other news. Didie is taller than me. She's been drinking milk and eating Hi-Cal Jacobs biscuits to reach this goal. Siap tak bagi Atiq minum susu die, 'Atiq jangey minum susu chocolate Didie! Ado limo hidangey jah!'. Tadi Atiq minum segelas penuh sebagai tanda protes.

Beha's coming back this weekend!

Okay this is way too long.

I love you.

I'll be abandoning this blog a lot, because I'm going to Bangkok soon.

Take care lovelies.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rumah sape nih?

I came back and the jalan batu-batu yang menyebabkan my friends kata kereta diorang rosak kalau datang amek Atiq kat rumah dah jadi jalan tar yang rata luas.

Pagar dah tukar, rumah dah cat baru. Pokok semua dah cabut, dah tanam pokok baru. Buai dah cat baru.

Masuk dalam rumah. langsir baru kerusi baru, susunan everything baru, tangga cat baru, pintu bilik air cat baru wtf RUMAH SAPE NIHHHH???

Langsir kat my room yang lagi tua dari Atiq, yang kalau Atiq tarik sikit confirm koyak sebab dah reput tu dah tukar dgn langsir cantik kaler kuning huh apebenda nih tak biasa, dah lebih 20 tahun tengok langsir sama je kat rumah.

reban ayam belakang rumah dah takde. kalau Atiq keluar bilik air and pintu verandah tak tutup, nanti jiran hujung sana boleh nampak Atiq sebab hutan kat tepi rumah dah cantas ranap kosong ahhhh sudah hilang protection.

ok blog entry ni merapu. first entry from Malaysia.

sekarang tengah thunderstorm.

Atiq takde number Malaysia lagi sigh.

esok temankan Tokku pegi his first chemotherapy session.



(kalau duduk kat rumah sentiasa rasa macam nak nangis. i'm always reminded of why i turn into an ice cold witch everytime i come back here)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

THREE more hours to kill

I may, or may not have wasted another 2euros for 10minute internet at this airport.

airports are fascinating. there are a LOT of people, but they are all in their own world. For instance, I need to pee and I have quite a terrible headache right now, and I'm on the internet. There are two phony guys in suits talking to each other at the cafe behind me, and there is an old man on Blackberry, sitting by himself.

Mom wanted me to wear a mask or cover my nose with my hands. I said yeah okay just to let her sleep well tonight. Nobody's wearing no masks in the UK. Swine flu haven't reached here yet.

Two minutes left. Do not curse do not curse do not curse.

Airport internet services are a pain in the backside.

Pray me a safe journey back! Maybe I'll write from Dubai when I get there.


Birmingham International Airport, Birmingham.

Hello. As you can already deduce, I'm at the airport. Going through the annoying 7 hours connection delay. They have wudhu' facilities at the toilet here, which was exciting for me because I won't have to angkat my kaki and jinjing dengan susah payah masuk sinki, but the air won't come out of the pipes there. cehss.

selalunya Atiq akan tunggu toilet tu deserted pastu cepat-cepat basuh kaki before orang masuk, tapi it was just impossible for that to happen here. the airport is crowded and people just kept coming in, so I just made a muka tak bersalah and masukkan kaki dalam sinki depan unsuspecting, curious-tapi-cover-cover orang putihs.

after doing that, I feel empowered and I feel like I can do anything in this world. haha.

I quite nearly took a train to Birmingham New Street to find a Whittard in the city since I have 7 hours to kill, menyesal tak beli more than 3 jars of coffee when I was in Bath. I decided against it sebab tak familiar dgn Birmingham and malas nak heret luggage. when I came upstairs, I couldn't believe my luck when I saw a Whittard of Chelsea among the shops. But's closing down so they had a clearance sale, so all the teas and coffees are sold out. sigh.

I have no proper souvenirs for anyone.

Oh crap I only have 2 minutes left. Bye guys! Hopefully I'll see you soon!


Happy Birthday to Mama and Nana~

today (yesterday? it's 1.01am now) i went to visit Kak Rose. she's going back to Malaysia for good, so she gave me some of her stuff (yeay!!). we did some catching up, she made me gorgeous Milo, and i taught her to be mean and reject the tons of friend requests she had on facebook. she's as gorgeous as ever. makin tua makin gorgeous apekah Kak Rose ni benci k. haha.

i did LOADS of shopping today. finally bought a blue Zara cardigan, i've wanted one of those since forever. bought a random sling/handbag that was on sale, i can give it to anyone who wants it. it's cobalt blue and really small though, i doubt anyone in the family would like it apart from me. i've always had an awkward sense of fashion, but meh. who cares. i wear what i like and that's the end of it.

i'm almost done packing. tinggal toileteries, baju-baju yang tak kering lagi, laptop ni, handphone, and iPod je yang tak masuk bag lagi. yang elektronik ni semua tengah charge.

haih bosannye entry ni, amenda tah Atiqah tulis.

pleaselah jangan gaduh dengan Ayahnda this summer, Atiqah. please refrain from talking back. just shut up. even when all your friends marah sbb biar Ayahnda ckp sorang-sorang. it's better that way. Atiqah diam = Ayahnda tak marah = dunia aman damai.

days to see the smiling face of a Kakwe in KLIA : 1!!!!!!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

stupid security at Bristol Airport

i forgot to mention : in my frequent travelling around, i ALWAYS carry more than one clear resealable bag of liquids and there never was any problem with it. but this isn't the case in Bristol. nope...they had to be stricter than even BIRMINGHAM. and Birmingham was pretty annoyingly strict, mind you.

they stopped me at security and told me i'm only allowed ONE clear resealable bag of liquids. i was left with choosing between 1. my newly bought, still full, Body Shop travelling set, or 2. only-found-in-UK-not-in-Ireland set of shower creams (with the likes of Coconut Ice Cream, Strawberry Smoothie, etc) that i bought as souvenir for my sisters.

i chose number 1 because it's more expensive, and nearly cried when i saw the security threw the four bottles away in the trash can. i mean...WHAT'S THE POINT??? AM I GOING TO USE FREAKING MANGO TANGO SHOWER CREAM TO BOMB YOUR STUPID PLANE????????

i hate airport security.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cork, Ireland

the journey back to Cork was a fiasco. it was filled with typical Atiqah things that it wasn't even amusing anymore, it was just plain irritating. i need a calm man in my life to pacify me when things go wrong, and to remind me of things to make sure i don't forget/leave things behind.

i am a true Y.M.

Yang Menggelabah.

Days to see the smiling face of a Kakwe in KLIA : 3


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bath, Great Britain

Hello, hypothetical friend in the form of technology.

Yesterday was off to a rocky start. It was raining in Cardiff when we woke up, and we missed our train to Bath. Luckily we could still use the tickets we bought for the next train :)

Bath was gorgeous. We went to the Roman Baths to see the hot springs the Romans built a temple around (because they thought it was the work of their gods and goddesses). There, I discovered that a lot of the names of the characters in Harry Potter (Minerva, Sirius, Lucius) are the names Roman gods. Being Atiqah, I realized that I've left my camera at the ticket counter when we were five minutes through the building, sigh. But I decided to just pick it up on the way back because we always use Nana's camera anyway. Such was my confidence in the honesty of the people there. Had this happen in Malaysia, I would be zooming to the counters straightaway.

When we were walking around there, one of the securities came over to me to ask a few questions so I can identify my camera. And so I got my camera back, yeay! 'mudah', bak kata Amin.

Then we met up with Bing, my classmate in KMB (who from then on was our tour guide/cameraman), he studies in Bath University. Well, studied. He's graduating this year, and is getting married in August! The first one to get married, wheeeyy.

He was hilarious as per usual. Bing lives in a house that appears in postcards because it's right next to the Royal Crescent. One of the houses on the Royal Crescent belongs to Johnny Depp! This will only be possible if you live in Bath.

one of those houses back there is Johnny Depp's

Muhammad Bing lives right next to this gorgeous/adorable Royal Victoria Park (everything is either Royal or Gay in Bath...haha), and I just fell head over heels with the place when I saw the park.

membuli Encik Kambing Kadir untuk membawa Whittard Coffee
yang dibeli untuk Kakwe dan Kakak

this is somebody's backyard; they made it open to public. these flowers
that you see? they smell like Crabtree and Evelyn. Nana and I nearly
fell off our feet, bending down to smell them in a slightly insane manner.

Ooh. We also bought a bun from Sally Lunn's (since 1680!), the oldest refreshment house in Bath. The bun was huuuuge, we ate it with their strawverry jam, and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. If you're into pastries/bread, this is a definite must if you ever visit Bath!

there was a small exhibition in their basement where they show their kitchen
in the olden times, and their oven is called 'Faggot Oven'

We also went to a Jane Austen museum! She lived in Bath, apparently. and Bing said they shoot part of the Pride and Prejudice in the field in front of his house (yang Atiq amek gamba 'i wish i can fly' kat atas tu). I wanted to buy this rare old print of the Pride and Prejudice that they sell there for Kakwe, but decided against it because I think it would be quite a pointless gift.

There are more that we did, such as taking a picture at a street that's called Gay Street, and nearly killing Bing in the process, and traumatizing Bing's housemate's fat guinea pigs called Rachel and Monica, but that was Bath for me and Nana. It was a fantastic day despite the gloomy wheather, and we got back to a rainy Cardiff at around 7.40pm.

Bing's funniest quote of that day;

'Spatutnya mall ni dah siap lame dah...tapi banyak gile delay. Nak buat camne, gali-gali jumpe temple, gali-gali lagi jumpa bom'

LOL. Bath is amazing.

Days to see the smiling face of a Kakwe in KLIA : 4


p.s. I'll be editing the previous post with pictures, don't forget to check that out!

p.p.s. I'm sorry this post is a bit dull, I'm yet to get my flair in writing (as if I ever had it la kan).

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cardiff, Wales

the first time i was here was two years ago,with Dayah Hamdi. last year Nana came to Cork, so this year here I am again. i like that we see each other every year despite living in different countries. even though i've changed a lot, and right now i see things in such a different way than she does...things are still pretty much the same between us. we don't judge each other..she's exactly the kind of friend that i need at this moment.

a wedding photographer took this picture

we went exploring at St. Fagan's today. that place is HUGE okay. but i learned a lot on Welsh culture, saw a huge pig complete with curly tail and everything, mistook a store for a castle,and mistook a museum for a war memorial - we're not exactly bright, the combination of us. haha.

these are genuine things. some of the cans still have things in it - no shizz

the doors of the traditional Welsh houses are suprisingly small. it fits us nicely,with just a few centimetres worth of gap left above our heads. we find this rather odd because we've always thought people grew smaller as time passes by, not the other way round. but one of the guys there said that indeed, they were smaller back then. weird. oh, we thought of Amin when we were walking through the small door frames because we thought he would have had to bend down and he would be smug about it.

we met a lot of funny/friendly Welsh people, i could barely understand their accent but Nana is always there to translate so all is well. i was pancit already by around 4pm (we went out at 10am), partly because it's the first day of my menstrual cycle and partly because i lack stamina, as you already know. Nana is now calling me Yang Mulia. I am now calling myself Nenek and Nana is quickly following suit.

i'll put pictures up on facebook or something. don't miss me too much kay! sorry i can't write everyday for you to read when you're bored at the office, Rih.

hope you're all well :)

Days to see the smiling face of a Kakwe at KLIA : 5



Tuesday, June 2, 2009


it was a swelteting hot day. the sun blazed mercilessly all day long up until 9.30pm-ish. i was away camping in Northern Ireland again, it's still as gorgeous as it was last summer. there were mat sallehs sunbathing in minimal clothing looking like half-cooked sausages (kulit diorang merah gile, atiq tengok pun rase pedih), glancing at the fully clothed, hijjabed, naturally tan malaysian ladies curiously.

my face is sunburnt and it feels like i've grazed it on tar, i have one big annoying wound and scratches all over my hands, a sore hip from all the physical activity, and most importantly, a happy soul :)

in other news, i was the Panglima Perang for my team and we won the war game in 15 minutes, haha. main tipu sebab ramai orang baru first time pegi sana and main, atiq dah second time. lalala kemenangan yang kurang manis disitu. nak buat macam mana team members hebat sangat. atiq jadi first line attacker, main 5 minit terus mati sebab bunyik je wisel terus lari secara kamikaze masuk base camp musuh and jumpa panji. seronok ah main dalam hutan kat sini tengah-tengah malam buta, takyah takut ular ngan jin jin jembalang ape mak nenek.

my room looks like it's been hit by a hurricane, i have to completely move out of the house tomorrow, and i'm going to Cardiff on the fourth.

this here, the beginning of 2009's summer, is impossible. it's packed and crazy and i love it.

Days to see the smiling face of a Kakwe at KLIA : 8 be a dialogue;

Atiq : huh?? Kak Nida ex-mrsm KT? Kak Nida lahir tahung brapo?
K Nida : err...1983.
Atiq : laa...Kak Nida dey la deh denga zamey Ameer Wahdi? Mesti Kak Nida kenal kakak Atiq!
K Nida : Kakak Atiq namo gapo?
Atiq : Tengku Nor Azah
K Nida : .....mmmm....
Atiq : ....girlfriend Ameer Wahdi.
K Nida : OOOHHHHHH!!! laaa kakak Atiq koo...

LOLOLOLOL. I would say 'gahahaha kakak dikenali sbg gf Ameer Wahdi' but it's actually because people call her A'a in KT, so Kak Nida didn't remember an 'Azah', she remembers an A'a :)
