Friday, May 8, 2009


so for once I had loads to say on the essays....BUT I RAN OUT OF TIME SO I DIDN'T GET TO PROPERLY WRITE THEM DNSJHWUIAG3R73891T278GUEBQ

and i wrote ACE inhibitor as one of the drugs for cardiac arrhythmia despite already writing down Digoxin on the question paper as rough answer. AND ACE INHIBITOR WAS THE WRONG DRUG. WRONGWRONGWRONGN*(y*&(oyhluibnkjmnK6. Digoxin was the right one T__T

by the time i wrote the mechanism of ACE inhibitor and realized there's no way in hell it's supposed to be used for cardiac arrhythmia, it's already like 5 minutes past the end of the exam and the invigilator was standing there, waiting for me to finish writing. which means she's a nice invigilator, and which means i didn't have time to scramble Digoxin on the paper.

why won't they let me put multiple Vaughan Williams drugs..... T___T

takpelah. Alhamdulillah dah lepas.

next is Pathology.

life is running in time frames lately: one day till Pharmacology, two days till Pathology, 8juta hari till Summer break..... T_________T



n Z r A said...

ATIQQQ OMG. hahahaha i pun terpikir benda yg sama gak pasal vaughn william tuu..kenapa dia kasi tulis satu jeee...hahahha...pastu yg drug lagi satu i pun mengarut gak...*sep sep gimme fiveee*

Tengku Atique said...

gegegege perlu keeee kite sepp kerana sama2 merepek dalam essayyy T_____T