Thursday, May 21, 2009

drowning in a sea of hand-me-downs


so i finally got to pick up all the stuff for the charity sale/auction after yesterday's fiasco. bali and shidot borrowed a car from this malay doctor, and they drove me (and diyana) around cork to collect hand-me-downs.

mase bali mula2 sampai in front of my house tu i was surprised to see that it was just him in the car. cam aikkk ustaz kisas ni nak drive aku around cork berdua je ke biar betul...haha. turns out shidot was just down the street, dekat clashduv singgah amek barang.

taknak graceful nak mampos pulak la kan atiq masa nak naik kereta tu, tersepak terhantuk segala mak nenek. bali sengih je sambil berkata 'atiq...atiq..'. haih..sorry, saya memang clumsy dan menggelabah. suka berpura-pura tenang tetapi tetap tidak berjaya.

anyway we got TONS of stuff. tepaksa pegi hantar dulu barang to my house sebab penuh sampai tak muat boot, then baru sambung pegi amek lagi dr orang2 lain yang dah janji nak bagi barang. sekarang i'm tapis-ing the items and some of these things are pure GOLD. bukanlah maksudnye diperbuat dari emas...maksudnye cam, sangat best. i have to refrain from buying them sebab shidot kate benda2 best kena auction and die pesan kat atiq jangan pau barang in advance, beli nanti T__T

masa diorang hantar atiq balik td;

Atiq : bowok anok daro orey balik mmolek *referring to Di*

Ustaz Bali : ye Atiq. takpo, mung tok tengok pung Allah tengok *wajah poyo*

Ustaz Bali : *shouts from the car* Atiq, kalu ado barey best sipey ko aku!

Atiq : k!

Shidot : *shouts from car* ATIQ JANGAN PAU BARANG. JANGAN TAUU...INGAT AKU PESAN NI..! *nada ketua projek autokratik* baik. saya mengikut arahan T___T

baru a quarter through the stuff, refolding them and putting them into categories. now tengah price kan...huargh banyak gile k!

tadi Didie the sister msg tny whether i'm free. i hate texting back to say that i wasn't free...because this is like the bejillionth time she wanted to call me and then couldn't because i was busy. i hope she doesn't give up on me :(



w 8 z said...


bali tu bazli ko?

Tengku Atique said...

hehe. yes, i suppose you must know him, budok kisas. cork ni ramai budok kisas bah, faimee pun duk sini jugok. senior2 atiq pun sepoh budok kisas :]

w 8 z said...

huhu, nama yang familiar.. :)