Monday, May 18, 2009

mishen imposibel.

Atique: dah la aku suruh belajar die pegi meroyan dgn dayah kat dapur
Atique: ingat aku tatau keeee
Niesa: hahaha
Niesa: oppss
Niesa: kantoi plak
Niesa: ala lapaaaa
Niesa: esok nk mam kebab
Atique: haha
Atique: kaya doh pempuan nihhh
Atique: nak kebab jugak pls
Atique: haha
Niesa: hahaha
Niesa: jom esok weh
Niesa: order kebabun
Atique: jom. aku nak starve sehari biar sedapp gittew makan kebabun
Atique: gile macam babun je
Atique: buruk
Niesa: hahahahaha
Niesa: cool, sbb satu kebab tu da ckup besar, kenyang mkn satu ari
Atique: hahahahaha ko pecaya ke aku nak starve satu hari

*di zaman IT ni, plan nak order kebab dgn housemate yg literally bilik sebelah share dinding pun perlu melalui IM.


sassydewi said...

i wonder how izit possible for a med student to have 19 posts when it's only the EIGHTEENTH day of the month and 32 posts when there're only 30 days in April.

geez. maybe i shud go to med school.

akuorangbiasa said...

sassy : pls don't do this at home! hahahaha

Tengku Atique said...

LOLOL if you write mindless one paragraph rants 80% of it, yes?

Iron Butterfly said...

i think it's exam anxiety tiq dok? i always told myself not to blog when exam is near but i'll end up posting something. and long ones pulok tu. jeng.

ok gotta go bersiap and gi masuk uitm campus and study. i've slept sapa tengahari. geez. and i tend to sleep more.


han86 said...

mane sambungan kpd ayat terakhir tu? tertinggal ek? biar aku ingatkan eh, ehe;

Atique: hahahahaha ko pecaya ke aku nak starve satu hari
Niesa: err, aku tak pnh ckp pun aku percaya, apatah lagi kagum dgn cite2 kau utk starve tu

*batting eyelashes*

Tengku Atique said...

Kak : Gambatte!

Niesa : Haha aku tapis, ayat before kau reply tu memang ayat yang perlu ditapis kan kan.

han86 said...

haha, mula2 aku nak letak tau those missing sentences, tp pk2 blk, tapela, i'll just keep it btwn us, shweet tak i? *grin*